
A Financial Planning App featuring modern technologies like React, Typescript, Redux, and other modern technologies/libraries.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Limit Financial Planner

This Single-Page Web App was the result of a team of Software Engineers looking to solve the problem of financial visualization and goal planning for individuals new to managing their finances.

Created With

This application was created using the following Languages, Technologies, and Libraries:


While the whole of the team had little to no experience with TypeScript, it is an important language to learn as it combines the adaptability of ECMAScript(JavaScript) with the surety and intentionality of a typed language. All members rose to the challenge and were able to not only learn TypeScript but were able to implement it in the creation of a complex web app.


React is the central library used for our app. Allowing for a declarative, component-based design, React allowed us as a team to focus on features and customization rather than boiler-plate code.


ReactRouter allows for client-side routing. This allows for a single-page application to feel like a more traditional routed site. It also allows for quick and easy access to specific parts of the app that the user might need.


Redux allows for a consistent, predictable state container throughout our app. This prevents locally-scoped state issues that might effect other segment of the app.

Many More!

Our application uses many dependencies that are central to the creation of the many disparate parts; The full listing can be viewed in our package.json; however,below, you can also find many central ones listed:

"@fullcalendar/react": "^6.1.4",
"@mui/material": "^5.11.9",
"animate.css": "^4.1.1",
"axios": "^1.3.3",
"bcrypt": "^5.1.0",
"chance": "^1.1.10",
"concurrently": "^7.6.0",
"d3": "^7.8.2",
"date-fns": "^2.29.3",
"express": "^4.18.2",
"jsonwebtoken": "^9.0.0",
"morgan": "^1.10.0",
"pg": "^8.9.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
"react-scripts": "5.0.1",
"react-transition-group": "^4.4.5",
"sequelize": "^6.28.0",
"swiper": "^8.4.7",
"victory": "^36.6.8",

Learn More

If you are interested in reaching out to any of the principal programmers who created the app, you will find their profiles linked below:

Kolby Wolf


Jack Padalino


Stephen Werbeck


Yifan Chen
