Beat / Onset detection utility

Represents source audiofile as PCM and Beat data

Available binaries

  • pcm_gnu <audio.mp3> shows PCM data on the GNUPlot
  • pcm_json <audio.mp3> shows PCM data as JSON
  • fft_json <audio.mp3> shows FFT data as JSON
  • fft_gnu <audio.mp3> shows FFT data on the GNUPlot
  • od_gnu <audio.mp3> shows beats data on the GNUPlot
  • peak_gnu <audio.mp3> shows peak data on the GNUPlot
  • audio_info <audio.mp3> shows PCM and meta data briefly on terminal
  • audio_daemon <> starts daemon with json rpc API
    • methods
      • beats shows beats array
      • pcm shows pcm array
      • fft shows fft array
      • serialize shows normalized fft and beats arrays
    • params:
      • name path to the audio