
not-so-Polyglot AoC 2018 solutions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Advent of Code 2018

This repo contains my solutions to the Advent of Code 2018 problems.

Directory structure

I'll be adding a directory for each day 1..25 and storing inside:

  1. The Problem Descriptions
  2. The Problem Inputs (if any)
  3. A directory for each language
    • and maybe a .gitignore or other supporting material for running that language

Approach to problems

My general approach is to solve the problem in a boring language (to serve as pseudocode to make sure I actually understand the problem), I'll submit the solution to get some stars, and then - time permitting - I'll port/rewrite it into a more interesting language.


Day Part Language(s)
1 1 JavaScript, Elixir
1 2 JavaScript, Elixir
2 1 JavaScript, Elixir
2 2 JavaScript, Elixir
3 1 JavaScript, TBA
3 2 JavaScript, TBA
4 1 JavaScript, TBA
4 2 JavaScript, TBA
5 1 JavaScript, TBA
5 2 JavaScript, TBA
6 1 JavaScript, TBA
6 2 JavaScript, TBA
7 1 JavaScript, TBA
7 2 JavaScript, TBA
8 1 JavaScript, TBA
8 2 JavaScript, TBA
9 1 JavaScript, TBA
9 2 JavaScript, TBA