22bca126's Stars
Siemens store is a ecommerce website through which you can purchase clothing, jewellery and electronic products for yourself. It contains technologies like API Calling from fakestoreapi and pujakaitemapi. It uses functionality like react components, react hooks, react, router, react state management, a payment gateway for user to pay for product.
Designed and launched a jewelry e-commerce platform with a React.js interface, Node.js backend, MongoDB for data management, and Stripe for transactions, leading to a 25% rise in customer retention
An online attendance portal with individual login facility for teachers as well as students.
Mini project on Html, Css, php, Mysql for computer Engineering students.
A react shopping cart app and landing page demo for a small business called Inspired Adornment.
ASP.net core Web-App with MVC for Jewellery Items for users to have many variations in gems/jewels they wish to shop at reasonable rates. SQL Server is used for database management and Identity for Authentication system. All basic functionalities have been implemented in this build to learn the practical use of .NET Core.
JEWELLERY management system