
A chatbot which recognizes ISL hand signs.

Primary LanguageTeX


Installing dependencies

pacman -Syu --noconfirm
pacman -Syu go --noconfirm
pacman -Syu python --noconfirm
pacman -Syu python-pip --noconfirm
pacman -Syu libgl --noconfirm
pacman -Syu tensorflow --noconfirm
pacman -Syu python-tensorflow --noconfirm
pip install opencv-python
pip install mediapipe
pip install pyspellchecker 
pip install wordsegment

Running the server

go mod tidy
go fmt ./...
go generate
go run main.go

Building docker image

sudo docker build -t fyp .

Running a container of that image

sudo docker run -it -p 8080:8080 fyp