
The Python Storage Disk Toolkit

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Python Storage Disk Toolkit (PyStorage)

PyStorage:Python Storage Disk Toolkit
Copyright:Copyright (c) 2016 Kairo Araujo <kairo@kairo.eti.br>


This is a collection of storage disk partial commands.

Table of support:

Vendor Models
  • VMAX
  • VNX
  • DS8K


  • Python >=2.7


  • Using PIP:
$ pip install PyStorage
  • Offline install

Download the package on https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyStorage/

$ tar xvzf PyStorage-X.Y.tar.gz
$ cd PyStorage-X.Y
$ python setup.py install



Class EMC.VMAX() works with EMC VMAX Storage 1 and 2.

Is necessary a SYMCLI installed and working well with your environment. For more information consult the EMC documentation.

  • Importing and initializing
>>> import pystorage
>>> symcli_path = '/opt/emc/SYMCLI/bin'
>>> my_vmax = pystorage.EMC.VMAX(symcli_path)
  • EMC.VMAX.list()

List all Storages Disk available.

returns array [return code, output]

>>> print my_vmax.list()[1]
                                S Y M M E T R I X
                                       Mcode    Cache      Num Phys  Num Symm
    SymmID       Attachment  Model     Version  Size (MB)  Devices   Devices
    000000000100 Local       VMAX-1    5876      114688         5     12361
    000000000101 Local       VMAX-1    5876      300800        10     16190
    000000000102 Local       VMAX20K   5876      421120        10     13957
    000000000103 Local       VMAX20K   5876      360960         5     24325
    000000000104 Local       VMAX40K   5876      368640        12      9249
    000000000105 Local       VMAX200K  5977     3014656         2      2691
    000000000106 Remote      VMAX20K   5876      360960         0      9588
    000000000107 Remote      VMAX20K   5876      240640         0     11360
    000000000108 Remote      VMAX20K   5876      120320         0      4640
  • EMC.VMAX.lspools(SID)

List all Pools from specific storage SID.

returns array [return code, output]

>>> print my_vmax.lspools(108)[1]
Symmetrix ID: 000000000108
                       S Y M M E T R I X   P O O L S
Pool         Flags  Dev              Usable       Free       Used Full Comp
Name         PTECSL Config           Tracks     Tracks     Tracks  (%)  (%)
------------ ------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ----
DEFAULT_POOL S-F-D- Unknown               0          0          0    0    0
DEFAULT_POOL S-9-D- Unknown               0          0          0    0    0
DEFAULT_POOL S-8-D- Unknown               0          0          0    0    0
DEFAULT_POOL S-A-D- Unknown               0          0          0    0    0
MYPOOLSAS01  TEFDEI RAID-5(7+1)    84095232   69400896   14694336   17    0
MYPOOLSAS02  TFFDEI RAID-5(7+1)  1215449040  791717292  423731748   34    0
MYPOOLSATA01 TSFDEI RAID-6(6+2)  1081337856  974749776  106588080    9    0
Total                            ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ----
Tracks                           2380882128 1835867964  545014164   22    0
  • EMC.VMAX.ign(SID, WWN)

Get Initial Group Name full output by the WWN.

returns array [return code, output]

>>> print my_vmax.ign('108', '10:23:45:67:89:0A:BC:DE')[1]
Symmetrix ID          : 000000000108
Initiator Group Name
  • EMC.VMAX.get_ign(SID, WWN)

Get Initial Group Name, only the Initial Group Name.

returns array [return code, output]

>>> print my_vmax.get_ign('108', '10:23:45:67:89:0A:BC:DE')[1]

Get the Mask View Names with full informations using the Initiator Group Name.

returns array [return code, output]

>>> print my_vmax.get_mvn('108', 'IG_DBSERVER_LINUX')[1]
Symmetrix ID          : 000000000108
Initiator Group Name    : IG_LNXDBSRV001
Last update time        : 12:46:36 PM on Tue Dec 09,2014
Group last update time  : 12:46:36 PM on Tue Dec 09,2014
   Host Initiators
       WWN  : 10234567890abcde
              [alias: 10234567890abcde/10234567890abcde]
   Masking View Names
   Parent Initiator Groups

Get Mask View Name by the Initial Group Name.

returns array [return code, output]

>>> print my_vmax.get_mvn('108', 'IG_DBSERVER_LINUX')[1:]

Get the full Storage Group Name information by the Mask View Name.

returns array [return code, output]

>>> print my_vmax.sgn('168', 'MV_LNXDBSRV001')[1]
Symmetrix ID                : 000000000108
Masking View Name           : MV_LNXDBSRV001
Last update time            : 05:32:53 PM on Thu Nov 12,2015
View last update time       : 05:32:53 PM on Thu Nov 12,2015
Initiator Group Name        : IG_LNXDBSRV001
   Host Initiators
       WWN  : 10234567890abcde
              [alias: 10234567890abcde/10234567890abcde]
Port Group Name             : PG_LNXDBSRV001_012A
   Director Identification
      Ident  Port   WWN Port Name / iSCSI Target Name
      ------ ---- -------------------------------------------------------
      01-2A   000 500001234567890a
Storage Group Name          : SG_LNXDBSRV001
   Number of Storage Groups : 0
   Storage Group Names      : None
Sym                                        Host
Dev     Dir:Port  Physical Device Name     Lun   Attr  Cap(MB)
------  --------  -----------------------  ----  ----  -------
00055   09F:000   Not Visible                 1              3
00056   09F:000   Not Visible                 2              3
00057   09F:000   Not Visible                 3              3
00058   09F:000   Not Visible                 4              3
Total Capacity                                              12

Get the Storage Group Name by the Mask View Name

returns array [return code, output]

>>> print my_vmax.get_sgn('108', 'MV_LNXDBSRV001')[1]

Create and add LUN to Storage Group Name.

return array [return code, output]

>>> my_vmax.create_dev('168', 2, '50', '0', 'regular','MYPOOLSAS02',
'SG_LNXDBSRV001' 'prepare')
    Establishing a configuration change session...............Established.
    Processing symmetrix 000000000108
      create dev count=2, size=54600 cyl, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV,
        mvs_ssid=0, binding to pool MYPOOLSAS02, sg=SG_LNXDBSRV001;
    Performing Access checks..................................Allowed.
    Checking Device Reservations..............................Allowed.
    Initiating COMMIT of configuration changes................Started.
    Committing configuration changes..........................Queued.
    COMMIT requesting required resources......................Obtained.
    Step 002 of 018 steps.....................................Executing.
    Step 011 of 018 steps.....................................Executing.
    Step 016 of 019 steps.....................................Executing.
    Step 016 of 019 steps.....................................Executing.
    Local:  COMMIT............................................Done.
    Adding devices to Storage Group...........................
      New symdevs: 00D28:00D29 [TDEVs]
    Terminating the configuration change session..............Done.


Class EMC.VNX() works with EMC VNX.

Is necessary a NAVISECCLI installed and working well with your environment. For more information consult the EMC documentation.

All returns are:

If return code is 0: [return code, data]

If return code is different of 0: [return code, 'data error', 'data'

  • Importing and initializing
>>> import pystorage
>>> vnx = pystorage.VNX('naviseccli', '')
  • EMC.VNX.pools()

List all pools informations.

>>> print vnx.pools()[1]
Pool Name:  P1SAS600K15
Pool ID:  0
Raid Type:  r_5
Percent Full Threshold:  70
Disk Type:  SAS
State:  Ready
Status:  OK(0x0)
Current Operation:  None
Current Operation State:  N/A
Current Operation Status:  N/A
Current Operation Percent Completed:  0
Raw Capacity (Blocks):  236411400960
Raw Capacity (GBs):  112729.741
User Capacity (Blocks):  188771917824
User Capacity (GBs):  90013.465
Consumed Capacity (Blocks):  187616231424
Consumed Capacity (GBs):  89462.391
Available Capacity (Blocks):  1155686400
Available Capacity (GBs):  551.074
Percent Full:  99.388
Total Subscribed Capacity (Blocks):  189324546048
Total Subscribed Capacity (GBs):  90276.979
Percent Subscribed:  100.293
Oversubscribed by (Blocks):  552628224
Oversubscribed by (GBs):  263.514
Bus 2 Enclosure 2 Disk 10
Bus 2 Enclosure 2 Disk 12
Bus 2 Enclosure 2 Disk 14
Bus 3 Enclosure 3 Disk
LUNs:  806, 677, 198, 896, 479, 768, 620, 708, (...)
(... End of Example ...)
  • EMC.VNX.pool_list()

Return array with pool names

>>> vnx.pool_list()[1]
  • EMC.VNX.port_list_all()

Return all data about port list from storage

>>> print vnx.port_list_all()[1]
Information about each HBA:
HBA UID:                 C0:50:76:05:17:AA:00:2C:C0:50:76:05:17:AA:00:2C
Server Name:             MYSERVER01
Server IP Address:
HBA Model Description:
HBA Vendor Description:
HBA Device Driver Name:   N/A
Information about each port of this HBA:
    SP Name:               SP A
    SP Port ID:            4
    HBA Devicename:        N/A
    Trusted:               NO
    Logged In:             YES
    Source ID:             3943170
    Defined:               YES
    Initiator Type:           3
    StorageGroup Name:     SG_MYSERVER01
    SP Name:               SP B
    SP Port ID:            4
    HBA Devicename:        N/A
    Trusted:               NO
    Logged In:             YES
    Source ID:             3943170
    Defined:               YES
    Initiator Type:           3
    StorageGroup Name:     SG_MYSERVER01
Information about each HBA:
HBA UID:                 C0:50:76:05:17:AA:00:2E:C0:50:76:05:17:AA:00:2E
Server Name:             MYSERVER02
Server IP Address:
HBA Model Description:
HBA Vendor Description:
HBA Device Driver Name:   N/A
Information about each port of this HBA:
(...end of example...)
  • EMC.VNX.get_luns('POOL')

Get all LUNs IDs used in the pool sorted.

>>> print vnx.get_luns('P1SAS600K15')[1]
['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11' ...]
  • EMC.VNX.show_lun('ID')

Get information about specific LUN ID.

>>> print vnx.show_lun('3')[1]
Name:  DB_LUN_3
UID:  60:06:01:60:20:A0:2D:00:36:1B:B4:88:A3:A9:E1:11
Current Owner:  SP B
Default Owner:  SP B
Allocation Owner:  SP B
User Capacity (Blocks):  943718400
User Capacity (GBs):  450.000
Consumed Capacity (Blocks):  972877824
Consumed Capacity (GBs):  463.904
Pool Name:  P1SAS600K15
Raid Type:  r_5
Offset:  0
Auto-Assign Enabled:  DISABLED
Auto-Trespass Enabled:  DISABLED
Current State:  Ready
Status:  OK(0x0)
Is Faulted:  false
Is Transitioning:  false
Current Operation:  None
Current Operation State:  N/A
Current Operation Status:  N/A
Current Operation Percent Completed:  0
Is Pool LUN:  Yes
Is Thin LUN:  No
Is Private:  No
Is Compressed:  No
Tiering Policy:  No Movement
Initial Tier:  Optimize Pool
Tier Distribution:
Performance:  100.00
  • EMC.VNX.get_hostname('WWN')

Get the Hostname on storage by host WWN address.

>>> print vnx.get_hostname('C0:50:76:05:14:5F:00:30')[1]
  • EMC.VNX.get_stggroup('WWN')

Get the Storage Group Name on storage used by host WWN address.

>>> print vnx.get_stggroup('C0:50:76:05:14:5F:00:30')[1]
  • EMC.VNX.show_stggroup('STORAGE GROUP NAME')

Get all informations about the specific storage group name.

>>> print vnx.show_stggroup('SG_SERVER_DB2')[1]
Storage Group Name:    SG_SERVER_DB2
Storage Group UID:     D2:F2:E2:05:89:2F:E3:11:B6:12:00:60:16:38:6D:4F
HBA/SP Pairs:
  HBA UID                                          SP Name     SPPort
  -------                                          -------     ------
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:3F:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:3F   SP A         7
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:35:C1:21:00:00:24:FF:40:35:C1   SP A         7
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:3F:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:3F   SP B         7
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:35:C1:21:00:00:24:FF:40:35:C1   SP B         7
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:4F:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:4F   SP A         7
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:4F:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:4F   SP B         7
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1A:3E:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1A:3E   SP A         3
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1A:3E:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1A:3E   SP B         3
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:35:C0:21:00:00:24:FF:40:35:C0   SP A         3
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:4E:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:4E   SP A         3
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:35:C0:21:00:00:24:FF:40:35:C0   SP B         3
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:4E:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1B:4E   SP B         3
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1A:3F:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1A:3F   SP A         7
  20:00:00:24:FF:40:1A:3F:21:00:00:24:FF:40:1A:3F   SP B         7
HLU/ALU Pairs:
  HLU Number     ALU Number
  ----------     ----------
    0               923
    1               920
    2               925
    3               922
    4               1040
    5               1041
    6               1042
Shareable:             YES
  • EMC.VNX.get_hlu_stggroup('STORAGE GROUP NAME')

Get all the HLU IDs in use on the Storage Group Name

>>> print vnx.get_hlu_stggroup('SG_SERVER_DB2')[1]
['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
  • EMC.VNX.create_dev('address', 'lun_size', 'pool_name', 'LUN ID', 'LUN', lun_type="NonThin")

Create LUN on specific pool

>>> vnx.create_dev('', 50, 'P1SAS600K15', '103' 'DB2_LUN_103', lun_type="NonThin"):
  • EMC.VNX.mapping_dev('STORAGE GROUP NAME', 'HLU ID', 'LUN ID'):

Add (Mapping) of LUN to Storage Group Name

>>> vnx.mapping_dev('SG_SERVER_DB2', '7', '103')


Class IBM.DS8K() works with IBM DS8000 System Storage family.

Is necessary a DSCLI installed and configured using profile files by storage.

The profile files is usual stored on /opt/ibm/dscli/profile/

The usual name is dscli.profile_[storage name]

For more informations check: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/#!/STUVMB/com.ibm.storage.ssic.help.doc/f2c_cliprofile_1yecd2.html

  • Importing and initializing
>>> import pystorage
>>> dscli_path = '/opt/ibm/dscli'
>>> dscli_profile_path = '/opt/ibm/dscli/profile/'
>>> my_ds8k = pystorage.IBM.DS8K(dscli_path, dscli_profile_path+'dscli.profile_wxyz')
  • IBM.lsextpool()

List all available pools, full output.

return [return code, output]

>>> print my_ds8k.lsextpool()[1]
Date/Time: January 21, 2016 10:34:07 AM BRST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-82BWXYZ
Name ID stgtype rankgrp status availstor (2^30B) %allocated available reserved numvols
P0   P0 fb            0  below             14285         96     14285        0    2948
P1   P1 fb            1  below             11737         96     11737        0    2878
P2   P2 fb            0  below             11995         66     11995        0     341
P3   P3 fb            1  below             12123         65     12123        0     422
  • IBM.lshostconnect('WWPN')

Get the list of hosts. If used with WWPN (optional) returns informations from specified WWPN host.

>>> print my_ds8k.lshostconnect('10234567890abcde')[1]
Date/Time: January 21, 2016 10:36:55 AM BRST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-82BWXYZ
Name                 ID   WWPN             HostType  Profile            portgrp volgrpID ESSIOport
LNXDBSRV001_TESTS    03DB 10234567890ABCDE LinuxRHEL Intel - Linux RHEL       0 V334     all
  • IBM.get_hostname('WWPN')

Get the hostname from host by the WWPN.

>>> print my_ds8k.get_hostname('10234567890abcde')[1]
  • IBM.get_id('WWPN')

Get the id from host by the WWPN.

>>> print my_ds8k.get_hostname('10234567890abcde')[1]
  • IBM.get_volgrpid('WWPN')

Get the Volume Group ID from host by the WWPN.

>>> print my_ds8k.get_volgrpid('10234567890abcde')[1]
  • IBM.lsfbvol()

List all fixed block volumes in a storage. Arguments can be used IBM.DS8K.lsfbvol('args')


To get all volumes for a specific Volume Group use:

IBM.DS8K.lsfbvol('-volgrp VOL_GROUP_ID')

To get all volumes with IDs that contain the specified logical subsystem ID use:

IBM.DS8K.lsfbvol('-lss LSS_ID')

>>> print my_ds8k.lsfbvol('-lss 01')
Date/Time: January 21, 2016 11:55:35 AM BRST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-82BWXYZ
Name        ID   accstate datastate configstate deviceMTM datatype extpool cap (2^30B) cap (10^9B) cap (blocks)
LUN_0100    0000 Online   Normal    Normal      2107-900  FB 512   P1             50.0           -    104857600
LUN_0101    0001 Online   Normal    Normal      2107-900  FB 512   P1             50.0           -    104857600
LUN_0102    0002 Online   Normal    Normal      2107-900  FB 512   P1             50.0           -    104857600
  • IBM.DS8K.mkfbvol(pool, size, prefix, vol_group, address)

Create the fbvol(s) and allocate to the Volume Group.

>>> print my_ds8k.mkfbvol('P1', 50, 'LUN_', 'V334', '0100 0101 0102 0103')
FB volume 0100 successfully created.
FB volume 0101 successfully created.
FB volume 0102 successfully created.
FB volume 0103 successfully created.
  • IBM.DSK8K.chvolgrp(vol_address, vol_group):

Add a volume in another volume group.

>>> my_ds8k.chvolgrp('0101-0103', 'V335')
Volume group V335 successfully modified.


  • Coding
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  2. Make a fork from GitHub (https://github.com/kairoaraujo/PyStorage)
  3. Sign in on GerritHub.io (http://review.gerrithub.io) using your account from GitHub
  4. Submit you review =)
  • Reporting Issue or suggestions
  1. Create a new issue https://github.com/kairoaraujo/PyStorage/issues


EMC, SYMCLI and VMAX are trademarks of EMC in the United States, other countries, or both.

IBM and DS are trademarks of EMC in the United States, other countries, or both.