
An extended REST API and webapp for Activiti http://activiti.org

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


alt tag

Getting started

Download the source code and extract it, then run

mvn clean package 
mvn -Pdemo -pl actangular-webapp jetty:deploy-war

On your browser go to http://localhost:8080/actangular

Login using Activiti's demo users:

UserId Password
kermit kermit
gonzo gonzo
fozzie fozzie

What features are currently available?

Some of the features currently available are

  • Login and logout with remember me feature support
  • Managing tasks i.e. listing, sorting, creating/editing/claiming/completing/deleting, posting comments, adding/deleting identity links, uploading attachments, etc..
  • Managing process instances i.e. listing, sorting, starting/deleting, adding/deleting identity links, listing related tasks, etc..
  • Historic tasks and process instances listing and sorting
  • Form rendering and submitting, supports string, date, boolean, and long form property types
  • Task and process instance variables, supports string, date, and long variable types
  • Managing models i.e. listing, creating/editing/deleting models
  • Modeler integration enables modeling, converting to BPMN and deploying from the Modeler
  • Process diagrams rendering using SVG (client side) and PNG (sever side)
  • Multi-language, currently English and Arabic (with RTL support)

External Resources
