
Zombie Outline Version: 1.0 Description: This mod is based on the old Zombie Horde mod, but with many more features. The ZH mod gives you a nice co-op environment for annihilating the mass of zombies, while this mod offers you a "smooth story", which is actually a month (31 days) of disaster which combine soldiers have to face. Aside from that, zombies yield experience, so allowing you to level up and increase your health, armor, speed, jump rate and evasion rate. There is a moderate number of different types of zombies, each of them having different stats and giving a different amount of experience when taken down. Every day it is harder and harder for the combine to complete their task as the number of zombies is increasing as well as their strength. The type of the day can either be demolition, survival or epidemic. When soldiers are caught in a demolition day, their taks is to annihilate a certain amount of zombies to complete it. There is no time limit for this. In the survival days, if they stay alive a certain amount of time (without all being dead at the same time), they will proceed to the next day. Epidemic days are similar to demolition days, only then you do not want to get hit by a zombie, as the virus that is spread in the air will hurt you through the wound more than you think it will. Ocasionally (in certain days), combine soldiers have to face motherzombies. In the demolition and epidemic days, they will come right after the number of regular zombies reaches zero, while in survival days they will come at the very beginning, but not required to slay them. This mod works in any way, with only bots on the human side and/or with real players. Terrorist team only contains bots as zombies. I personally haven't tested it with multiple players being on CT side at the same time, but it works quite well while I play it with bots. For a better glimpse on this mod, check this video. Zombie Outline Commands: /zomenu - Open up the mod menu. /spawn - Spawn if you haven't, but still it is early game. /return - Don't move for 20 seconds (or so) and return to spawn point. /info - Check your information, like level, experience, etc... /zhp - Show zombie health. /zoadmin - Admin menu for this mod. /fspawn <name> - Admin command that forces a player to spawn. /freturn <name> - Admin command that forces a player to return to spawn. /zoday <value> - Admin command to set next day (must be <= 31 and > 0). /zoendday <ct/t> - Admin command to immediately end the day (argument <ct/t> = winner) /zombies <value> - Admin command to set how many zombies are left. /zoaddexp <name> <amount> - Admin command to give a player experience. /zoaddlvl <name> <amount> - Admin command to give a player level. /zoexpboost <value> - Admin command to set the experience boost. Addon Commands: /weapons - Opets up the weapons menu. [weaponsmenu addon] /ambientson - Turns ambients (background music) on. [ambients addon] /ambientsoff - Turns ambients off. [ambients addon] /quakeon - Turns quake sounds on. [ambients addon] /quakeoff - Turns quake sounds off. [ambients addon] /spree - Check your killing/headshot spree. [ambients addon] /ambients <1/0> - Admin command to toggle ambients across whole server. [ambients addon] /quake <1/0> - Admin command to toggle quake sounds across whole server. [ambients addon] /mapstyle - Admin command to open up the mapstyle menu. [mapstyle addon] Installation: Simply download "Zombie Outline v1.0.zip" and extract it to your game directory. You will need to download all zombie models and other materials from here. Once downloaded, simply extract it to your game directory. I have uploaded few more addons. They are not necessary to have, but they improve the game experience and kinda add few more dimensions to the mod. If you want them, simply download and extract the "cstrike" folder from each addon (zip) to your game directory. Addon descriptions: Serverconfigs are in my opinion very useful, as they fix precaching models in case the Zombie Outline doesn't. Also with it, you can do few more configurations such as setting cvars and execing some cfgs on map start (for example) which automates Zombie Outline preperation. Mapstyle is optional. Adds darkness (customizable) to the map and also the ability to change the sky. For this addon, you will have to download skyboxes, and extract them to your game directory. Ambients sure give good background music (from Half-Life). Quake sounds also included. Another optional, but use it (as well as the mapstyle!). ;) Weaponsmenu, optional. Nothing too special, as the name is selfexplainig. In Zombie Outline, the Blackmarket Shop, which is meant for buying weapons (I think), still isn't working as I am not sure how would I want it to be created. So think of weaponsmenu as a temporary replacement. If you want to be hardcore in game, don't use it ;) Before you start commenting why haven't I put these as seperate plugins in new threads, well, there ARE DEFINITELY better plugins you can find that do the same thing, I have made these only for one sole purpose, and it is for improving Zombie Outline. So, I don't see the point of putting them there. Configuration: Configuring Zombie Outline goes from "cfg/sourcemod/zo" folder. You actually edit .txt files, not .cfg files! But, if you have just installed the mod, you won't have the .txt files. To generate them, you will have to run the mod once on your server, and after that, close the server and get back. Download the "cfg example for v1.0.zip" for more details. Serverconfigs can be configured from "cfg/sourcemod/serverconfigs.cfg" file. There is almost no need for configuring it. But if you really want to, check the file and uhm... good luck (made this addon for some other reasons, but later found it useful here a bit). Mapstyle can be configured from "cfg/sourcemod/mapstyle.txt" and "cfg/sourcemod/mapstyle.cfg". Ambients can be configured from "cfg/sourcemod/ambients.txt". Weaponsmenu can be configured from "cfg/sourcemod/weaponsmenu.cfg". How to play: In order to be able to play, you must create yourself a "workspace" (basically sign yourself in the mod database, so your progress can be saved and similar). Nothing too chumpy, all you have to do is in the mod menu (default "/zomenu"), select the "Configuration" option and you will see "Create Workspace". Select it and you are ready to go! There are plenty of reasons why I didn't automate this. Debugging is the first and most important, but it is a long and boring story, so I will skip it. Known glitches: Sometimes "/spawn" command won't let you spawn, even though you are sure you can. Just use that command few more times, or wait few seconds and then use it, and it should work. It is not a glitch, but there are 2 more commands: client "/debug" and admin "/allowdebug <name>". There is no point of using them (so far), just wanned to let you know that they exist too. If you have any questions, problems or anything else, leave a reply here or a comment on the youtube video.

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