
Sample scala application

Primary LanguageScala


This API allows to resize images. User can upload an image along with resize parameters and in response he will receive a resized image. Also, API allows to see a list of user's earlier uploaded images along with resized results and parameters. Each user is associated with an unique key which is created when a new user starts to use the service. Resizer supports common images formats: png, jpeg, gif.


  • This API is organized around REST.
  • All API calls should be made with HTTP POST. Request data is passed to the API by POSTing JSON objects to the API endpoints with the appropriate parameters. The documentation for each API call will contain more detail on the parameters accepted by the call.
  • All API URLs listed in this documentation are relative to http://localhost:8080/api/. For example, the /user API call is reachable at http://localhost:8080/api/user.

/user - Create a new user

  • To obtain an unique key for a new user you should send a request to /user. This endpoint requires not any parameters. A successful response will contain an unique key which should be used for subsequent interaction with API.

  • Example response:


/resize - Resize an image

  • To resize an image you should post it as Base64 string to /resize along with new dimensions and a user key.

  • Example request:


In response you will obtain a link to a resized image with values of new dimensions.

Example response:


/history - Retrieve history

To see a list of earlier uploaded images along with resized results and parameters just post an user key to /history.

  • Example request:

In response you will obtain links to origin and resized images with parameters of resizing.

Example response:



  • You can consider any non-200 HTTP response code an error - the returned data will contain message with more detailed information.

  • Example error response:

"error":"The requested resource could not be found."

Running the Service

A MySQL database for the service should be created manually before running the application. By default its name is “resizer”, but you can override this value with db.name entry of application.conf file in the main package, as well as user name and password to access it with db.user and db.password settings.

You need SBT installed in your system to build this application. For SBT installation instructions, please, refer to SBT setup page.

If it has already installed, just execute the following command from the root directory of the project to run the application:

$ sbt run

The application will be launched at http://localhost:8080. You also can change host and port with appropriate entries of application.conf file.

To test the service an addition MYSQL database should be created manually. By default its name is “resizerTest" It can be overriden with db.name entry of application.conf file in the test package. The task for running tests is:

$ sbt test