
Functional Requirements

  • Parse fixed-length files based on custom specification (MVP #1)
  • Store parsed records in a database (MVP #1)
  • Archive fixed-length files to block/object storage (MVP #1)
  • Store fixed-length file metadata in database - specifically the location where the archived file was stored (MVP #1)
  • View parsed records (3 views for MVP, see below) (MVP #2)
    • Whenever I parse a file, I should immediately get the parsed data rendered on screen
      • on the backend we get the fixed-length file, parse it according to a spec file, and return the JSON - representation of all records parsed form that file.
    • A view of all parsed records from the current user (even if we don't have real authentication)
      • on the backend you get the request and query the database for all records associated with that user
      • then return that collection of records to the front end, where it is "unwrapped" and rendered on screen - (not just in the console)
    • A view of all records that are of a specific type (for instance maybe I want to see all car records, - which are those parsed from the fixed-length files that a car spec file describes)
      • on the backend you get the request and query the database for all records associated with specific spec - file.
      • then return that collection of records to the front end, where it is "unwrapped" and rendered on screen - (not just in the console)
  • Offer a web UI for users to access functionality (MVP #1-3)

Stretch Goals

  • Authenticate users with registration and login
  • Download copies of original fixed-length files from archive
  • Download a JSON representation of all records from a fixed-length file