Nvidia GPU Profile Inspector by DeadManWalking (DeadManWalkingTO-GitHub)
NVidiaProfileInspectorDmW is a Fork from Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector for full optimization that increase hashrate on NVidia graphic cards.
- Features
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Full optimization NVidia graphic cards.
Autocheck for new version since version
Lots of modifications.
Download Last release here.
Standalone executable is provided in the Releases section. (No installation required)
Download, unzip and run NVidiaProfileInspectorDMW.exe
For the best mining hashrate choose from sector "5 - Common":
- CUDA - Force P2 State (Set to "Off")
- Power managment mode (Set to "Prefer maximum performance")
For build needed GIT (optional) and Microsoft Build Tools 2015
Open Command Prompt and run
git clone https://github.com/DeadManWalkingTO/NVidiaProfileInspectorDmW.git
Open Visual C++ 2015 MSBuild Command Prompt, go to NVidiaProfileInspectorDmW folder and run
msbuild nvidiaProfileInspectorDmW.sln /verbosity:minimal /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release
Release files build in NVidiaProfileInspectorDmW\nspector\bin\release
Please inform me for aditional Improvments. Open an Issue.
If you like please give a GitHub Star (it's free!).
DeadManWalking (DeadManWalkingTO-GitHub).
Feel free to open an Issue or submit Pull Requests.
Licensed under the MIT LICENSE.
Bitcoin Address (BTC):
- 15G2BTErGg3i8zTmLfKYStUKtqDLXz6Jc9
Ethereum Address (ETH):
- 0x7013275311fc37ccc1e40193D75086293eCb43A4
Monero Address (XMR):
- 42q4HmXdsp1XgNCrDmPubL8ndtgG2JBtmZMEn28sB4XtEGHhwYojvB65HXPidByfNUFSzxg6ysQsHUHa3ZSrsKLX5pTkCET
Aeon Address (AEON):
- WmssXd9iiPCjjhfVyqYvPzhBuPKkZ5wkVXP5q8L7aYxfPJG5Z8nLyLJXUzxMeuvna9dCEBAmqBzCRWezF6AQqUS51EDJtjAYL
Issue #9 | Status: Solved.