Redis Student Manager App

For tonight's lab, we'd like you to build an app that uses node on the backend with redis for persistance.

Getting Started

  1. Create a folder and cd into it
  2. touch app.js
  3. npm init
  4. touch .gitignore
  5. echo "node_modules" >> .gitignore
  6. inside this folder, create another folder called views
  7. git init, add and commit.
  8. npm install --save the required packages (express, ejs, body-parser, method-override, redis)
  9. Think about what redis data structure you are going to use to store your students
  10. Begin by including the required dependencies in your app.js and add an index.ejs to your views folder.
  11. Start working on your routes

Basic Requirements

Your application should list out students and at a minimum, offer the option to create and delete all students. Each student should have a name and nothing else.


Allow students to be updated and include functionality to delete a single student.


Make your application a SPA (single page application) that uses AJAX