Primary LanguagePython


This repository open-sources the code and datas used in our paper「Mitigating Biases of Large Language Models in Stance Detection with Counterfactual Augmented Calibration

Please cite our paper and kindly give a star for this repository if you use our code or data.


Seeing in requirement.txt

You could using pip install -r requirement.txt to install the required packages.



Download your needed model weights into model_state or remove all model_state/ dir prefix in all config files in configs to automatically download the model weights.

Download the Sem16, P-stance, and VAST or other stance detection dataset, place them into dataset/<dataset name>

Process the datasets into the following format:

# Each file is a csv file, containing at least the three keys 'Tweet', 'Target', 'Stance'
- datasets
  - <dataset name>
    - in-target
      - <target name>
        - train.csv
        - valid.csv
        - test.csv
      - <target name>
        - ...
    - zero-shot
      - <target name>
        - train.csv
        - valid.csv
        - test.csv
      - <target name>
        - ...
  - <dataset name>
    - ...

The way of how I process the datasets is shown in datasets/preprocess_datasets.py

Stance Detection with Counterfactual Augmented Calibration

sh scripts/run_FACTUAL.sh

Take in-target stance detection on p-stance for example

>>> sh scripts/run_FACTUAL.sh
>>> input training dataset: [sem16, p_stance, vast]: p_stance
>>> input train dataset mode: [in_target, zero_shot]: in_target
>>> input model framework: [rationale, cad]: cad
>>> input llm name: [gpt, llama]: gpt
>>> input model name: [bert_base, roberta_base, bertweet_base, robert_base_sentiment, kebert]: roberta_base
>>> input running mode: [sweep, wandb, normal]: normal
>>> input training cuda idx: Your Cuda index