
An easy to use library for pretty print tables of Rust structs and enums.

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An easy to use library for pretty printing tables of Rust structs and enums.


Table of Contents


To print a list of structs or enums as a table your types should implement the the Tabled trait or derive it with a #[derive(Tabled)] macro.

use tabled::{Tabled, Table};

struct Language {
    name: &'static str,
    designed_by: &'static str,
    invented_year: usize,

let languages = vec![
        name: "C",
        designed_by: "Dennis Ritchie",
        invented_year: 1972
        name: "Rust",
        designed_by: "Graydon Hoare",
        invented_year: 2010
        name: "Go",
        designed_by: "Rob Pike",
        invented_year: 2009

let table = Table::new(languages).to_string();

let expected = "+------+----------------+---------------+\n\
                | name | designed_by    | invented_year |\n\
                | C    | Dennis Ritchie | 1972          |\n\
                | Rust | Graydon Hoare  | 2010          |\n\
                | Go   | Rob Pike       | 2009          |\n\

assert_eq!(table, expected);

Most of the default types implement the trait out of the box.

use tabled::TableIteratorExt;
let some_numbers = [1, 2, 3];
let table = some_numbers.table();


This section lists the set of settings you can apply to your table. Most of the settings are used by .with method of Table.

You can find a list of show cases in examples folder.



There are a list of ready to use styles. Each style can be customized. A custom style also can be created from scratch.

A style can be used like this.

use tabled::{Table, Style};

let table = Table::new(&data).with(Style::psql());

Below is a rendered list of the preconfigured styles.

If you think that there's some valuable style to be added, please open an issue.

| name | designed_by    | invented_year |
| C    | Dennis Ritchie | 1972          |
| Rust | Graydon Hoare  | 2010          |
| Go   | Rob Pike       | 2009          |
│ name │ designed_by    │ invented_year │
│ C    │ Dennis Ritchie │ 1972          │
│ Rust │ Graydon Hoare  │ 2010          │
│ Go   │ Rob Pike       │ 2009          │
│ name │ designed_by    │ invented_year │
│ C    │ Dennis Ritchie │ 1972          │
│ Rust │ Graydon Hoare  │ 2010          │
│ Go   │ Rob Pike       │ 2009          │
║ name ║ designed_by    ║ invented_year ║
║ C    ║ Dennis Ritchie ║ 1972          ║
║ Rust ║ Graydon Hoare  ║ 2010          ║
║ Go   ║ Rob Pike       ║ 2009          ║
 name | designed_by    | invented_year 
 C    | Dennis Ritchie | 1972          
 Rust | Graydon Hoare  | 2010          
 Go   | Rob Pike       | 2009          
| name | designed_by    | invented_year |
| C    | Dennis Ritchie | 1972          |
| Rust | Graydon Hoare  | 2010          |
| Go   | Rob Pike       | 2009          |
====== ================ ===============
 name   designed_by     invented_year 
====== ================ ===============
 C      Dennis Ritchie   1972          
 Rust   Graydon Hoare    2010          
 Go     Rob Pike         2009          
====== ================ ===============
: name : designed_by    : invented_year :
: C    : Dennis Ritchie : 1972          :
: Rust : Graydon Hoare  : 2010          :
: Go   : Rob Pike       : 2009          :
| name | designed_by    | invented_year |
| C    | Dennis Ritchie | 1972          |
| Rust | Graydon Hoare  | 2010          |
| Go   | Rob Pike       | 2009          |
 name   designed_by      invented_year 
 C      Dennis Ritchie   1972          
 Rust   Graydon Hoare    2010          
 Go     Rob Pike         2009                 
name designed_by    invented_year
C    Dennis Ritchie 1972         
Rust Graydon Hoare  2010         
Go   Rob Pike       2009         


You can modify existing styles to fit your needs.

let style = tabled::Style::modern().off_horizontal();

The style will look like the following.

│ name │ designed_by    │ invented_year │
│ CDennis Ritchie1972          │
│ RustGraydon Hoare2010          │
│ GoRob Pike2009          │

You can change the existing styles.

use tabled::Style;

let style = Style::modern()
    .lines([(1, Style::modern().get_horizontal().horizontal(Some('═')))]);

The style will look like the following.

│ name │ designed_by    │ invented_year │
│ CDennis Ritchie1972          │
│ RustGraydon Hoare2010          │
│ GoRob Pike2009          │

Check the documentation for more customization options.

Cell Border

Sometimes tabled::Style settings are not enough. Sometimes it's nesessary to change a border of a particular cell.

For this purpose you can use Border.

use tabled::{object::Rows, Border, Modify, Style, TableIteratorExt};

let data = [["123", "456"], ["789", "000"]];

let table = data

let expected = "+xxxxx+xxxxx+\n\
                | 0   | 1   |\n\
                | 123 | 456 |\n\
                | 789 | 000 |\n\

assert_eq!(table, expected);

Text on borders

You can set a string to a horizontal border line.

use tabled::{Table, BorderText};

let table = Table::new(["Hello World"]).with(BorderText::new(0, "+-.table"));

     | &str        |\n\
     | Hello World |\n\

Colorize borders

You can set a colors of all borders using Color.

use tabled::color::Color;

let color = Color::try_from(" ".magenta().to_string()).unwrap();


You can also set a color border of intividial cell by using BorderColored.

use tabled::{Modify, symbol::Symbol, border_colored::BorderColored, object::Columns};

// set a top border of each cell in second column to red '=' character.
let b = Symbol::ansi("═".red().to_string()).unwrap();



You can set a horizontal and vertical alignment for any Object (e.g Columns, Rows).

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Modify, Alignment, object::Segment};



The Format function provides an interface for a modification of cells.

use tabled::{Table, Modify, format::Format, object::{Rows, Columns}};

    .with(Modify::new(Rows::first()).with(Format::new(|s| format!("Head {}", s))))
    .with(Modify::new(Columns::new(1..=2)).with(Format::new(|s| format!("<< {} >>", s))));

It's also possible to use functions with signature Fn(&str) -> String as a formatter.

use tabled::{Table, Modify, object::{Rows, Columns}};

    .with(Modify::new(Columns::single(3)).with(|s: &str| format!("<< {} >>", s)))

IMPORTANT: you may need to specify the type in your lambda otherwise the compiler may be disagreed to work :)


The Padding structure provides an interface for a left, right, top and bottom padding of cells.

use tabled::{Table, Modify, Padding, object::Cell};

    .with(Modify::new(Cell(0, 3)).with(Padding::new(1, 1, 0, 2)));

// It's possible to set a fill char for padding.
    .with(Modify::new(Cell(0, 3)).with(Padding::new(1, 1, 0, 2).set_fill('>', '<', '^', 'V')));

Padding Color

You can set a color for padding characters.

BE AWARE: It only works with color feature.

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use owo_colors::OwoColorize;
use tabled::{
    color::Color, object::Segment, padding_color::PaddingColor, Modify, Padding, Table,

let on_red = Color::try_from(' '.on_red().to_string()).unwrap();
let padding = Modify::new(Segment::all())
    .with(Padding::new(1, 1, 0, 2))
    .with(PaddingColor::new(on_red.clone(), on_red.clone(), on_red.clone(), on_red));



Margin sets extra space around the border (top, bottom, left, right).

use tabled::{Table, Margin};

    .with(Margin::new(3, 4, 1, 2).set_fill('>', '<', 'v', '^'));

An output would depend on the data. But it could look like the following.

>>>│ feature │ released │<<<<
>>>│ margin  │ 0.6.0    │<<<<

Margin Color

You can set a color for padding characters.

BE AWARE: It only works with color feature.

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use owo_colors::OwoColorize;
use tabled::{color::Color, margin_color::MarginColor, Margin, Table};

let on_red = Color::try_from(' '.on_red().to_string()).unwrap();

    .with(Margin::new(3, 4, 1, 2))
    .with(MarginColor::new(on_red.clone(), on_red.clone(), on_red.clone(), on_red));


Using the following structures you can configure a width of a table and a single cell. But be aware that it doesn't often consider Padding.

The functions preserves the text color.


Truncate sets a maximum width of a cell by truncating its content.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Modify, Width, object::Rows};

// Truncating content to 10 chars in case it's bigger than that
// in a first row.

// Truncating content to 7 chars and puts a suffix '...' after it
// in all rows except a first.

Trucate also can be used to set a maximum width of a whole table.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Width};

// Tries to set table width to 22, in case it's bigger than that.

It can be used in combination with MinWidth to set an exact table size.


Wrap sets a maximum width of a cell by wrapping its content to new lines.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Modify, Width, object::Rows};

// Wrap content to 10 chars in case it's bigger than that
// in a first row.

// Use a strategy where we try to keep words not splited (where possible).

Wrap also can be used to set a maximum width of a whole table.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Width};

// Tries to set table width to 22, in case it's bigger than that.

It can be used in combination with MinWidth to set an exact table size.

Increaase width

MinWidth sets a minimal width of an object.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Modify, Width, object::Rows};

// increase the space used by cells in all rows except the header to be at least 10

MinWidth also can be used to set a minimum width of a whole table.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Width};

// increase width of a table in case it was lower than 10.

It can be used in combination with Truncate and Wrap to set an exact table size.


You can set a constant width for all columns using Justify.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Width};



You can tweak Truncate, Wrap, MinWidth logic by setting a priority by which a trim/inc be done.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Width, width::PriorityMax};



By default you use usize int to set width settings, but you could do it also with tabled::width::Percent.

use tabled::width::{Percent, Width};

let table = table.with(Width::wrap(Percent(75)));


You can rotate table using tabled::Rotate.

Imagine you have a table already which output may look like this.

│ id │ destribution │ link                      │
│ 0  │ Fedora       │ https://getfedora.org/    │
│ 2  │ OpenSUSE     │ https://www.opensuse.org/ │
│ 3  │ Endeavouros  │ https://endeavouros.com/  │

Now we will add the following modificator and the output will be;

use tabled::Rotate;

│ link         │ https://getfedora.org/ │ https://www.opensuse.org/ │ https://endeavouros.com/ │
│ destribution │ Fedora                 │ OpenSUSE                  │ Endeavouros              │
│ id           │ 0                      │ 2                         │ 3                        │


You can remove certain rows or columns from the table.

use tabled::{TableIteratorExt, Disable};



You can Extract segments of a table to focus on a reduced number of rows and columns.

use tabled::{Table, Extract};

    .with(Extract::segment(1..3, 1..));
|  i32  |    &str     |   bool    |
+-------+-------------+-----------+         +-------------+-----------+
| : 0 : | : Grodno :  | : true :  |         | : Grodno :  | : true :  |
+-------+-------------+-----------+    =    +-------------+-----------+
| : 1 : |  : Minsk :  | : true :  |         |  : Minsk :  | : true :  |
+-------+-------------+-----------+         +-------------+-----------+
| : 2 : | : Hamburg : | : false : |
| : 3 : |  : Brest :  | : true :  |


For styles with unique corner and edge textures it is possible to reapply a table style once a Table extract has been created.

use tabled::{Table, Extract, Style};

    .with(Extract::segment(1..3, 1..))
Raw extract
│ The Dark Side of the Moon │ 01 March 1973    │ Unparalleled │
│ Rumours                   │ 04 February 1977 │ Outstanding  │

Refinished extract
│ The Dark Side of the Moon │ 01 March 1973    │ Unparalleled  │
│ Rumours                   │ 04 February 1977 │  Outstanding  │

Header and Footer and Panel

You can add a Header and Footer to display some information.

use tabled::{Table, Panel};

    .with(Panel::header("Tabled Name"))
    .with(Panel::footer(format!("{} elements", data.len())))

The look will depend on the style you choose but it may look something like this:

│                       Tabled Name                          │
│                        3 elements                          │

You can also add a full row/column using tabled::Panel.

use tabled::{Table, Panel};

    .with(Panel::vertical(2).text("A panel on 2nd row"))
    .with(Panel::horizontal(0).text("A panel on 1st column"));


It's possible to create "Panel"s by combining the duplicates using Merge.

use tabled::{merge::Merge, TableIteratorExt};

let data = [['A', 'B', 'B'], ['A', 'W', 'E'], ['Z', 'Z', 'Z']];

let table = data

println!("{}", table);
| 0 | 1 | 2 |
| A | B     |
+   +---+---+
|   | W | E |
| Z         |


You can concatanate 2 tables using Concat. It will stick 2 tables together either vertically or horizontally.

use tabled::Concat;

// let t1: Table = ...;
// let t2: Table = ...;

// vertical concat
let t3: Table = t1.with(Concat::vertical(t2));

// horizontal concat
let t3: Table = t1.with(Concat::horizontal(t2));


Highlight can be used to change the borders of target region. Here's an example.

use tabled::{
    object::{Cell, Columns, Object, Rows},
    Border, Highlight, Style, TableIteratorExt,

let data = vec![
    ["A", "B", "C"],
    ["D", "E", "F"]

let table = data.table()
        Rows::first().and(Columns::single(2).and(Cell(1, 1))),

The resulting table would be the following.

* 0 │ 1 │ 2 *
│ A * B │ C *
│ D │ E * F *


It's possible to set a horizontal(column) span and vertical(row) span to a cell.

Horizontal span

use tabled::{object::Cell, object::Segment, Alignment, Modify, Span, TableIteratorExt};

let data = vec![
    ["A", "B", "C"],
    ["D", "E", "F"],

let table = data
    .with(Modify::new(Cell(0, 0)).with(Span::column(3)))
    .with(Modify::new(Cell(1, 0)).with(Span::column(2)))

println!("{}", table);
|     0     |
|   A   | C |
| D | E | F |

Vertical span

use tabled::{object::Cell, object::Segment, Alignment, Modify, Span, TableIteratorExt};

let data = vec![
    ["A", "B", "C"],
    ["D", "E", "F"],

let table = data
    .with(Modify::new(Cell(0, 1)).with(Span::row(3)))

println!("{}", table);
| 0 |   | 2 |
+---+   +---+
| A | 1 | C |
+---+   +---+
| D |   | F |


To be able to use a Tabled macros each field must implement std::fmt::Display otherwise it will not work.

The following example will cause a error.

use tabled::Tabled;
struct SomeType {
    field1: SomeOtherType,

struct SomeOtherType;

The Tabled macros available when derive feature in turned on. And it is by default.

Override a column name

You can use a #[tabled(rename = "")] attribute to override a column name.

use tabled::Tabled;

struct Person {
    #[tabled(rename = "Name")]
    first_name: &'static str,
    #[tabled(rename = "Surname")]
    last_name: &'static str,

Hide a column

You can mark filds as hidden in which case they fill be ignored and not be present on a sheet.

A similar affect could be achieved by the means of a Disable setting.

use tabled::Tabled;

struct Person {
   id: u8,
   number: &'static str,
   name: &'static str,

Set column order

You can change the order in which they will be displayed in table.

use tabled::Tabled;

struct Person {
   id: u8,
   #[tabled(order = 0)]
   number: &'static str,
   #[tabled(order = 1)]
   name: &'static str,

Format fields

As was said already, using #[derive(Tabled)] is possible only when all fields implement a Display trait. However, this may be often not the case for example when a field uses the Option type. There's 2 common ways how to solve this:

  • Implement Tabled trait manually for a type.
  • Wrap Option to something like DisplayedOption<T>(Option<T>) and implement a Display trait for it.

Alternatively, you can use the #[tabled(display_with = "func")] attribute for the field to specify a display function.

use tabled::Tabled;

pub struct MyRecord {
    pub id: i64,
    #[tabled(display_with = "display_option")]
    pub valid: Option<bool>

fn display_option(o: &Option<bool>) -> String {
    match o {
        Some(s) => format!("is valid thing = {}", s),
        None => format!("is not valid"),

It's also possible to change function argument to be &self, using #[tabled(display_with("some_function", args))]

use tabled::Tabled;

pub struct MyRecord {
    pub id: i64,
    #[tabled(display_with("Self::display_valid", args))]
    pub valid: Option<bool>

impl MyRecord {
    fn display_valid(&self) -> String {
        match self.valid {
            Some(s) => format!("is valid thing = {}", s),
            None => format!("is not valid"),

Format headers

Beside #[tabled(rename = "")] you can change a format of a column name using #[tabled(rename_all = "UPPERCASE")].

use tabled::Tabled;

#[tabled(rename_all = "CamelCase")]
struct Person {
    id: u8,
    number: &'static str,
    name: &'static str,
    #[tabled(rename_all = "snake_case")]
    middle_name: &'static str,


It's possible to inline internal data if it implements the Tabled trait using #[tabled(inline)]. You can also set a prefix which will be used for all inlined elements by #[tabled(inline("prefix>>"))].

use tabled::Tabled;

struct Person {
    id: u8,
    name: &'static str,
    ed: Education,

struct Education {
    uni: &'static str,
    graduated: bool,

And it works for enums as well.

use tabled::Tabled;

enum Vehicle {
    Auto {
        model: &'static str,
        engine: &'static str,
        &'static str,
        #[tabled(inline)] Bike,

struct Bike {
    brand: &'static str,
    price: f32,

Dynamic table

Sometimes you can't say what type of data you are going to deal with (like parsing csv). In such cases it may be handy to build table dynamically.

use tabled::{builder::Builder, Style};

let song = r#"
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man on the moon
When you comin' home dad?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then son
You know we'll have a good time then

let mut builder = Builder::default();
let mut max_words = 0;
for line in song.lines() {
    if line.is_empty() {

    let words: Vec<_> = line.split_terminator(' ').collect();
    max_words = std::cmp::max(max_words, words.len());

let columns = (0..max_words).map(|i| i.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>();

let table = builder.build().with(Style::ascii_rounded());

println!("{}", table);
| 0      | 1     | 2      | 3     | 4    | 5      | 6    | 7        | 8      | 9     |
| And    | the   | cat's  | in    | the  | cradle | and  | the      | silver | spoon |
| Little | boy   | blue   | and   | the  | man    | on   | the      | moon   |       |
| When   | you   | comin' | home  | dad? |        |      |          |        |       |
| I      | don't | know   | when, | but  | we'll  | get  | together | then   | son   |
| You    | know  | we'll  | have  | a    | good   | time | then     |        |       |

Build index

You can change a table layout by Builder.

// previos example
// ...

let mut builder = builder.index();
|   | 0      | 1      | 2      | 3        | 4     |
| 0 | And    | Little | When   | I        | You   |
| 1 | the    | boy    | you    | don't    | know  |
| 2 | cat's  | blue   | comin' | know     | we'll |
| 3 | in     | and    | home   | when,    | have  |
| 4 | the    | the    | dad?   | but      | a     |
| 5 | cradle | man    |        | we'll    | good  |
| 6 | and    | on     |        | get      | time  |
| 7 | the    | the    |        | together | then  |
| 8 | silver | moon   |        | then     |       |
| 9 | spoon  |        |        | son      |       |

You can use Builder::index to make a particular column an index, which will stay on the left.

use tabled::{builder::Builder, Style};

let mut builder = Builder::default();
    .set_columns(["Index", "Language", "Status"])
    .add_record(["1", "English", "In progress"])
    .add_record(["2", "Deutsch", "Not ready"]);

let mut builder = builder.index();

let table = builder.build().with(Style::rounded());

println!("{}", table);
│         │ Index │ Status      │
│ English │ 1     │ In progress │
│ Deutsch │ 2     │ Not ready   │



The library doesn't bind you in usage of any color library but to be able to work correctly with color input you should add the color feature of tabled to your Cargo.toml

use tabled::{format::Format, object::Columns, Modify, Style, Table};

    .with(Modify::new(Columns::single(0)).with(Format::new(|s| s.red().to_string())))
    .with(Modify::new(Columns::single(1)).with(Format::new(|s| s.blue().to_string())))
    .with(Modify::new(Columns::new(2..)).with(Format::new(|s| s.green().to_string())));


Tuple combination

You also can combine objects which implements Tabled by means of tuples, you will get a combined columns of them.

use tabled::{object::Segment, Alignment, ModifyObject, Style, Table, Tabled};

struct Developer(#[tabled(rename = "name")] &'static str);

enum Domain {

let data = vec![
    (Developer("Terri Kshlerin"), Domain::Embeded),
    (Developer("Catalina Dicki"), Domain::Security),
    (Developer("Jennie Schmeler"), Domain::Frontend),
    (Developer("Maxim Zhiburt"), Domain::Unknown),

let table = Table::new(data)

        "      name       | Security | Embeded | Frontend | Unknown \n",
        " Terri Kshlerin  |          |    +    |          |         \n",
        " Catalina Dicki  |    +     |         |          |         \n",
        " Jennie Schmeler |          |         |    +     |         \n",
        "  Maxim Zhiburt  |          |         |          |    +    ",


You can apply settings to subgroup of cells using and and not methods for an object.

use tabled::object::{Object, Segment, Cell, Rows, Columns};
Segment::all().not(Rows::first()); // select all cells except header.
Columns::first().and(Columns::last()); // select cells from first and last columns.
Rows::first().and(Columns::single(0)).not(Cell(0, 0)); // select the header and first column except the (0, 0) cell.


Utilities for dynamic Table displays.

Col and Row

Combine col! and row! to create flexible table visualizations.

row![table1, table2];
| .---------------------------------------. | ┌────────────────────┬─────┬──────────────┐ |
| | name             | age | is_validated | | │ name               │ age │ is_validated │ |
| | Jon Doe          | 255 | false        | | ├────────────────────┼─────┼──────────────┤ |
| | Mark Nelson      | 13  | true         | | │ Jack Black         │ 51  │ false        │ |
| | Terminal Monitor | 0   | false        | | ├────────────────────┼─────┼──────────────┤ |
| | Adam Blend       | 17  | true         | | │ Michelle Goldstein │ 44  │ true         │ |
| '---------------------------------------' | └────────────────────┴─────┴──────────────┘ |
col![table1, table2];
| .---------------------------------------.   |
| | name             | age | is_validated |   |
| | Jon Doe          | 255 | false        |   |
| | Mark Nelson      | 13  | true         |   |
| | Terminal Monitor | 0   | false        |   |
| | Adam Blend       | 17  | true         |   |
| '---------------------------------------'   |
| ┌────────────────────┬─────┬──────────────┐ |
| │ name               │ age │ is_validated │ |
| ├────────────────────┼─────┼──────────────┤ |
| │ Jack Black         │ 51  │ false        │ |
| ├────────────────────┼─────┼──────────────┤ |
| │ Michelle Goldstein │ 44  │ true         │ |
| └────────────────────┴─────┴──────────────┘ |
row![table1; 3];
| .---------------------------------------. | .---------------------------------------. | .---------------------------------------. |
| | name             | age | is_validated | | | name             | age | is_validated | | | name             | age | is_validated | |
| | Jon Doe          | 255 | false        | | | Jon Doe          | 255 | false        | | | Jon Doe          | 255 | false        | |
| | Mark Nelson      | 13  | true         | | | Mark Nelson      | 13  | true         | | | Mark Nelson      | 13  | true         | |
| | Terminal Monitor | 0   | false        | | | Terminal Monitor | 0   | false        | | | Terminal Monitor | 0   | false        | |
| | Adam Blend       | 17  | true         | | | Adam Blend       | 17  | true         | | | Adam Blend       | 17  | true         | |
| '---------------------------------------' | '---------------------------------------' | '---------------------------------------' |
    row![table_a, table_b], 
| +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ |
| | +-------+-----+--------------+ | ┌────────────────────┬─────┬──────────────┐ | |
| | | name  | age | is_validated | | │ name               │ age │ is_validated │ | |
| | +-------+-----+--------------+ | ├────────────────────┼─────┼──────────────┤ | |
| | | Sam   | 31  | true         | | │ Jack Black         │ 51  │ false        │ | |
| | +-------+-----+--------------+ | ├────────────────────┼─────┼──────────────┤ | |
| | | Sarah | 26  | true         | | │ Michelle Goldstein │ 44  │ true         │ | |
| | +-------+-----+--------------+ | └────────────────────┴─────┴──────────────┘ | |
| +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ |
| .---------------------------------------.                                        |
| | name             | age | is_validated |                                        |
| | Jon Doe          | 255 | false        |                                        |
| | Mark Nelson      | 13  | true         |                                        |
| | Terminal Monitor | 0   | false        |                                        |
| | Adam Blend       | 17  | true         |                                        |
| '---------------------------------------'                                        |


Tabled supports not only Table view!

Expanded display

You can use ExpanedDisplay if your data structure has a lot of fields.

Here's an example.

use tabled::{display::ExpandedDisplay, Tabled};

struct Distribution {
    name: &'static str,
    is_active: bool,
    is_cool: bool,

let data = [
    Distribution {
        name: "Manjaro",
        is_cool: true,
        is_active: true,
    Distribution {
        name: "Debian",
        is_cool: true,
        is_active: true,
    Distribution {
        name: "Debian",
        is_cool: true,
        is_active: true,

let table = ExpandedDisplay::new(&data);

println!("{}", table);

You'll see the following.

-[ RECORD 0 ]------
name      | Manjaro
is_active | true
is_cool   | true
-[ RECORD 1 ]------
name      | Debian
is_active | true
is_cool   | true
-[ RECORD 2 ]------
name      | Debian
is_active | true
is_cool   | true


ANSI escape codes

By default tabled doesn't handle ANSI escape codes. By default such things as hyperlinks, blinking and others things which can be achieved via ANSI codes might not work correctly.

To enable this support, add the color feature to your Cargo.toml

tabled = { version = "*", features = ["color"] }


The library support emojies out of the box but be aware that some of the terminals and editors may not render them as you would expect.

Let's add emojies to an example from a Usage section.

let languages = vec![
    Language {
        name: "C 💕",
        designed_by: "Dennis Ritchie",
        invented_year: 1972,
    Language {
        name: "Rust 👍",
        designed_by: "Graydon Hoare",
        invented_year: 2010,
    Language {
        name: "Go 🧋",
        designed_by: "Rob Pike",
        invented_year: 2009,

The resultant table will look like the following. As you can see Github tricks a bit a return table, but GNOME terminal and Alacritty terminal handles it correctly.

| name    | designed_by    | invented_year |
| C 💕    | Dennis Ritchie | 1972          |
| Rust 👍 | Graydon Hoare  | 2010          |
| Go 🧋   | Rob Pike       | 2009          |


When you need to release a breaking change—any breaking change—you do it in a major version. Period. No excuses.

We still do it. We often do break change on minor version bump. So you probably shall not depend on minor version (like 0.7). It's likely better to depend on constant version e.g. 0.8.0


Nowadays there's a few libraries for pretty tables. Some may wonder why tabled is better or worse than others libraries?

I hope tabled does it's job good, but at the end of the day you probably need to decide it yourself. If you have any ideas for an enhancement or have a question about tabled please file an issue.

Bellow you will find a list of crates which do simmilar things or do something which tabled doesn't. You can find performance Comparison benchmarks for some of them here.

The description is taken from the author's quotes.

  • cli-table tends to keep the compile time and crate size low and support all the platforms. It has an optional csv support.

  • comfy-table focuses on providing a minimalistic, but rock-solid library for building text-based tables with focus on safety and dynamic-length content arrangement.

  • term-table-rs main focus is on a good set of tools for rendering CLI tables, while allowing users to bring their own tools for things like colors. It has an ability to have different number of columns in each row of the table.

Please if you feel about some crate being worth menthioned open an issue.