
Dynamic binary analysis tool

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status PyPI version Slack Status Documentation Status Bountysource

Manticore is a prototyping tool for dynamic binary analysis, with support for symbolic execution, taint analysis, and binary instrumentation.


  • Input Generation: Manticore automatically generates inputs that trigger unique code paths
  • Crash Discovery: Manticore discovers inputs that crash programs via memory safety violations
  • Execution Tracing: Manticore records an instruction-level trace of execution for each generated input
  • Programmatic Interface: Manticore exposes programmatic access to its analysis engine via a Python API

Manticore supports binaries of the following formats, operating systems, and architectures. It has been primarily used on binaries compiled from C and C++. Examples of practical manticore usage are also on github.

  • OS/Formats: Linux ELF, Windows Minidump
  • Architectures: x86, x86_64, ARMv7 (partial)


Manticore is supported on Linux and requires Python 2.7, pip 7.1.0 or higher, and the Z3 Theorem Prover. Ubuntu 16.04 is strongly recommended.

Quick Start

Install and try Manticore in a few shell commands (see an asciinema):

# Install system dependencies
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install z3 python-pip -y
python -m pip install -U pip

# Install manticore and its dependencies
sudo pip install manticore

# Download and build the examples
git clone https://github.com/trailofbits/manticore.git && cd manticore/examples/linux

# Use the Manticore CLI
manticore basic
cat mcore_*/*1.stdin | ./basic
cat mcore_*/*2.stdin | ./basic

# Use the Manticore API
cd ../script
python count_instructions.py ../linux/helloworld


Make sure that Z3 is installed and available on your PATH. On Ubuntu, this is as simple as sudo apt-get install z3.

Option 1: Perform a user install (requires ~/.local/bin in your PATH).

echo "PATH=\$PATH:~/.local/bin" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
pip install --user manticore

Option 2: Use a virtual environment (requires virtualenvwrapper or similar).

pip install virtualenvwrapper
echo "source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
mkvirtualenv manticore
pip install manticore

Option 3: Perform a system install.

sudo pip install manticore

Once installed, the manticore CLI tool and its Python API will be available.

For developers

For a dev install that includes dependencies for tests, run:

git clone https://github.com/trailofbits/manticore.git && cd manticore
pip install --no-binary keystone-engine -e .[dev]

You can run the tests with the commands below:

cd manticore
# all tests
# just one file
nosetests tests/test_armv7cpu.py
# just one test class
nosetests tests/test_armv7cpu.py:Armv7CpuInstructions
# just one test
nosetests tests/test_armv7cpu.py:Armv7CpuInstructions.test_mov_imm_min

Moreover, you can invoke multiprocess test invocation via the --processes flag. Note, however, that several tests (e.g., tests/test_memdumps.py) require longer execution times, thus you need to specify the appropriate timeout period via the --process-timeout flag. E.g.,

nosetests --processes=8 --process-timeout=120 tests/test_binaries.py


$ manticore ./path/to/binary  # runs, and creates a mcore_* directory with analysis results


# example Manticore script
from manticore import Manticore

hook_pc = 0x400ca0

m = Manticore('./path/to/binary')

def hook(state):
  cpu = state.cpu
  print 'eax', cpu.EAX
  print cpu.read_int(cpu.SP)

  m.terminate()  # tell Manticore to stop


Further documentation is available in several places:

  • The wiki contains some basic information about getting started with manticore and contributing

  • The examples directory has some very minimal examples that showcase API features

  • The manticore-examples repository has some more involved examples, for instance solving real CTF problems

  • The API reference has more thorough and in-depth documentation on our API