
generates lyrics with LLMs and calls out to Suno / Loudme using unofficial apis

Primary LanguagePython


RhythmIQ generates lyrics and creates audio using advanced language models and text-to-audio services.

Turn on the song stream!


🚀 Getting Started

📋 Prerequisites

  • Python 3.8+
  • Git
  • nano-gpt Account: Sign up at nano-gpt.com for access to the pay-per-prompt service.

Choose one of the following for audio synthesis:

  • Suno-API Setup: Follow the instructions at SunoAI-API/Suno-API to set up the Suno API.
  • LOUDME_COOKIE: Obtain the LOUDME_COOKIE environment variable by extracting it from the inspect window in your browser's network tab.

🔧 Installation

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/255labs/rhythmiq.git
    cd rhythmiq
  2. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure Environment Variables:

    Create a .env file in the root directory or set the environment variables in your shell.

    • Required:

      • NANOGPT_API_KEY: Your API key from nano-gpt.com
    • Optional:

      • NANOGPT_MODEL: Choose the desired nano-gpt model. Defaults to o1-mini.
      • LOUDME_COOKIE: Your Loudme cookie value.

    Example .env file:


    Alternatively, set them in your shell:

    export NANOGPT_API_KEY='your_api_key_here'
    export LOUDME_COOKIE='your_cookie_value_here'
    export NANOGPT_MODEL='your_preferred_model' # Optional

🛠️ Usage

  1. Customize Prompts:

    • Prompting is 2-shot with examples loaded from songs/ txt files. The ones in there are just examples, keep the format and add your own.
    • A random instruction is chosen from instructions/
    • base.txt is included in all prompts (at the top)
    • system.txt is the system prompt
  2. Run the Application:

    python3 prompt.py > song.txt
    python3 upload_suno.py
    python3 upload_loudme.py
  3. Generate Multiple Songs:

    • Use the following loop to create multiple songs consecutively:
      for i in {1..16}; do
        python3 prompt.py > song.txt && python3 upload_suno.py
        sleep 1.5m

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your enhancements.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.