
Minimal fullstack Koa 2 + React + Redux + Webpack HMR + TypeScript + SASS starter project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Minimal fullstack Koa 2 + React + Redux + Webpack HMR + TypeScript + SASS starter project

Minimum requirements:

  • Node v8.4.0
  • Docker version 17.06.1-ce,


  • Koa 2, TypeScript, React, Redux, SASS, Webpack + HMR, Jest, Reselect
  • Fullstack TypeScript project with code/Type/Interface sharing between server and client
  • Webpack runs inside of Koa server, no need for Webpack dev server
  • Webpack Hot Module Replacement works out of the box
  • Watch mode - server auto-restarts on code changes
  • Production version build in the build folder
  • Dockerized version with ElasticSearch [work in progress]

How to run - dev mode

docker-compose up [wait for docker to start elasticsearch]
yarn start-dev

How to run - production mode

docker-compose up [wait for docker to start elasticsearch]
yarn build-prod
yarn start-prod


yarn test-no-watch