objc OSC protocol implementation

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


objc OSC protocol implementation

Version License Platform


OSCKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OSCKit'

Then import it and use it:

#import <OSCKit/OSCKit.h>


Prepare the property in the header file:

@property (nonatomic, strong) OSCClient *client;

Initialize the server:

self.server = [[OSCServer alloc] init];
server.delegate = self;
[server listen:8000];

Define delegate method:

- (void)handleMessage:(OSCMessage*)message {
  // do something with the message

Bundles are handled by the server automatically and delegated using the same callback.

Sending messages:

OSCMessage *message = [OSCMessage to:@"/hello" with:@[@1, @"cool", @0.5f]]
[client sendMessage:message to:@"udp://localhost:8000"];

Sending bundles:

OSCMessage *message1 = [OSCMessage to:@"/hello" with:@[@1, @"cool", @0.5f]]
OSCMessage *message2 = [OSCMessage to:@"/world" with:@[@"crazy", @876]]
[client sendMessages:@[message1, message2] to:@"udp://localhost:8000"];


Joël Gähwiler, joel.gaehwiler@gmail.com


OSCKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


  • @heisters: Source code taken from his repository to bootstrap development.
  • @codeflows: Thanks for the pull requests, testings and improvements.