
Primary LanguagePython


Flask Server to process excel file and return sorted versions

Getting Started

# Setting up virtual environment for local development
virtualenv -p python3 venv

# Activate the virtual environment

# Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Set flask environment variables
set FLASK_APP=app.py
set FLASK_ENV=development

# Run flask server locally
flask run


  • POST /

      home page opened where you have to upload file.
  • POST /upload

      This will show the uploaded file.
  • POST /filter

      This will filter out all the data for metabolite ids ending with:‘PC’, ‘LPC’ and ‘plasmalogen’, and create 3 child datasets
      (1 for each compound id) from the data in input file as-
      - LC.xlsx
      - LPC.xlsx
      - plasmalogen.xlsx
      Also download them after completion of backend process.
  • POST /roundoff

      This will add a new column in the parent dataset with the name “Retention Time Roundoff (in mins)”. This column should have 
      rounded-off values of the corresponding retention time. Retention time should be rounded-off to the nearest natural number.
      Download the file roundoff.xlsx after completeion of backend process.
  • POST /mean

     This will find the mean of all the metabolites according to condition provided
     Download the file mean.xlsx after completion of backend process