
Javascript SVG Maze with generator, solver, editor and play mode.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Maze Generation

  • Cell Based
  • Start by building walls between each cells
  • visited[][]: 2D map of the grid to keep track of visited cells
  • corners[]: Stack of [x,y] corner locations
  • Start at 0;0
  • List the unvisited cells around the current x;y coord
    • If there's nowhere to go
      • Hunt()
    • If there is a way to go
      • randomWalk()


  • Select a past turning point (from the corners stack)
    • Easy maze: Use a recent turning point (from the end of the stack)
    • Hard maze: Use an old turning point (from the beginning of the stack)
  • Check if there is an unvisited cell where we can go from that from that cell
    • If there's nowhere to go from that cell
      • remove the cell from the corners[] stack and hunt()
    • Else, randomWalk()


  • Select a random unvisited cell located around the current cell.
  • Move to that cell
  • Break the wall between the previous cell and the new cell
  • Mark the new cell as visited
  • If we turned (detect direction change), push the previous cell coords in the corner stack.

Step by step


  • blue: Current position
  • light blue: Unvisited cell
  • Red: Unvisited cell around the current position (possible next position)
  • White: Visited cell


  • Generate a grid
  • Create walls between each cell
  • Start at 0;0

  • Check what cells are unvisited around our current position

  • Select one of those cells (random)
  • Move to that cell
  • Break the wall between the past cell and the current cell

  • Check what cells are unvisited around our current position

  • Select one of those cells (random)
  • Move to that cell
  • Break the wall between the past cell and the current cell
  • We changed direction, so we add the previous cell to the list of turns (we used to go right, now we're going down)

  • Check what cells are unvisited around our current position

  • Select one of those cells (random)
  • Move to that cell
  • Break the wall between the past cell and the current cell

  • Keep repeating the same steps until you have nowhere to go

  • There is nowhere to go from the current position
  • Select a random turn and move there. For the example, we'll select turn #2

  • Check what cells are unvisited around our current position and move there

  • Keep going until you have nowhere to go again

  • Move to a random previous turn

  • Keep going until every cell in the grid has been visited

** Important: ** If you jump to a previous turn and end up having nowhere to go, remove that turn from the list, and select another random turn to jump to.


  • Let's imagine you had nowhere to go, so you jump back to a random previous turn. In that case, turn #8:

  • You had nowhere to go from there, so you remove that turn from the list (to never jump back again randomly)
  • You select a new random turn to jump back to. Turn #6 for example.

  • And you keep going from there