
Steps to AddPackage:

  1. Install Selenium for python from cmd/terminal
pip install selenium
  1. Open up a new Python script(e.g. AddPackage.py) and initialize the WebDriver.
  2. Install Chrome Webdriver zip file.
  3. Unzip the file , put the folder location in the Path environment variable or put it in your current directory or in a known path, so you can pass it to webdriver.Chrome() class.
  4. Write code regarding the automation.
  5. Run the file AddPackage.py

Steps to delete Package

Simply run the DeletePackage.py file.

Exercise-2 (Postman)

Import Impledge_QA_AyushVarshney.postman_collection.json file in Postman for Postman exercise.

Exercise-3 (SQL)

Import Impledge_QA_AyushVarshney.sql file in VS code editor (or any other editor), which includes all sql queries solution.