- Contributors: ihacklog
- Donate link: http://ihacklog.com/donate
- Tags: attachment,manager,admin,images,thumbnail,ftp,remote
- Requires at least: 3.3
- Tested up to: 4.7.5
- Stable tag: 1.5.4
Notice: token 防盗链在最新的开发版中已经修复。 下载链接: https://github.com/ihacklog/hacklog-remote-attachment-upyun/archive/master.zip
此插件用于为你的WP博客添加Upyun附件上传支持。 可以与WordPress无缝结合,通过WordPress上传图片和文件到upyun, 支持大文件上传(需要开启表单 API)和防盗链功能。 有任何问题,欢迎大家提交issue:
github: https://github.com/ihacklog/hacklog-remote-attachment-upyun/issues
Adds remote attachments support for your WordPress blog.
Features: Adds remote attachments support for your WordPress blog.
可以与WordPress无缝结合,通过WordPress上传图片和文件到upyun, 支持大文件上传(需要开启表单 API)和防盗链功能。
@TODO 增加图片编辑功能
@TODO 优化防盗链功能
1.1.0 增加与水印插件的兼容性,使上传到远程服务器的图片同样可以加上水印
1.2.0 增加重复文件检测,避免同名文件被覆盖。更新和完善了帮助信息。
1.2.1 修正在后台上传主题或插件时的bug.
1.2.7 增加三种http数据发送方式支持远程附件(curl,fsockopen,streams),方便没有curl扩展支持的朋友.
1.2.8 增加对xmlrpc支持(支持通过Windows Live Writer 上传图片时自动上传到Upyun服务器)
1.2.9 修复Windows Live Writer 上传图片时url不正确的bug
1.3.0 修复首次使用插件时,又拍云空间使用量为0时显示“测试连接失败”的bug.增加更详细的错误信息提示。
1.4.0 增加form API上传支持,可上传100MB以内大小的文件(又拍云form API目前最大只支持100MB)
1.4.2 增加空间TOKEN防盗链功能支持
1.4.3 修复同一地方多处调用url时重复签名的bug
1.4.4 修复点击Tools区的链接时,提示“没有权限”的BUG.
1.4.5 更改url生成方式,避免因插件目录名称不同而导致404错误。增加对WP 3.9.1支持。修改对WP_http的调用方式。
1.4.6 修复在高版本WP中打开插件表单API上传页面时报错的bug.修复默认表单API超时时间未设置时导致无法使用表单API上传的bug.
1.5.0 编辑图片功能已经支持!
1.5.1 fix #18 修复一个warning提示. (thanks to GeorgeYan)
1.5.2 增加wp 4.6.1 支持,使用upyun 最新sdk
1.5.3 修复使用form api时一个php警告(form api上传时不应用重复应用本插件的非form api hook). 优化代码和修复若干bug. 移除无用的crypt类.此次更新,需要重新填写一次密码.
1.5.4 修复插件配置页空值不能保存的bug. 给大部分参数增加默认值
1.5.5 修复url中重复的/
更多信息请访问插件主页 获取关于插件的更多信息,使用技巧等. 安装指导
For MORE information,please visit the plugin homepage for any questions about the plugin.
- version 1.1.0 added compatibility with watermark plugins
- version 1.2.0 added duplicated file checking,so that the existed remote files will not be overwrote.
- version 1.2.1 fixed the bug when uploading new theme or plugin this plugin may cause it to fail.
- Upload the whole fold
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Configure the plugin via
->Hacklog Remote Attachment
menu and it's OK now,you can upload attachments(iamges,videos,audio,etc.) to the remote FTP server. - If your have moved all your local server files to remote server,then you can
so that all your attachments URLs will be OK. You can visit plugin homepage for detailed installation guide.
see Hacklog Remote Attachment FAQ
如果要使用表单 API 功能,注意在又拍云空间管理里面开启表单 API功能,并在插件后台选项中更新表单 API密匙.
- fixed: the bug that say "you have no permission to do this" when click the link in Tools area.
- fixed: the bug that duplicated sign the same url.
- added: TOKEN based anti-leeching feature support.
- added: HTML5 file info detect.
- added: form API uploading support.
- fixed: the bug that say "Connection failed" when the bucket is empty in the first time use this plugin.
- improved: get verbose error message displayed.
- fixed: Windows Live Writer file uploading bug(url incorrect).
- added: xmlrpc support (when use Windows Live Writer or other client via xmlrpc upload attahcment,the attachment will auto uploaded to remote FTP server )
- added: curl,fsockopen,streams support for http communication.
- added: duplicated thumbnail filename (this things may happen when crop is TRUE)
- changed: use simple xor cypher instead of using blow_fish
- fixe: curl connection timeout will return '',change the message to more detailed one[class UpYun].
- changed: load_textdomain param 3 uses basename(dirname()) instead of plugin_basename
- fixed: trim spaces on options
- improved: Prevent direct access to files
- changed: uses upyun HTTP REST API to create and delete directory,files
- improved: protect your API password with the strong blowfish cypher.
- improved: the plugin settings page can show you the space useage of your remote bucket.
- ported from Hacklog Remote Attachment