
NLP based data preprocessing in the tilt project

MIT LicenseMIT


The goal of NLPTiltDataProcessing is to summarise the nlp based data (pre)processing steps for products. to increase their correctness and consistency The steps are:

  • detecting typos

  • delimiting

  • deduplication.

Per step ther is an NLP based process to identify likely candidates for typos correction, delimiting or deduplication. The outcome is manually checked before applying the changes to the tilt database.

In the data folder simulated input data are stored to illustrate the behavior. Please note that several aspects in this code, as well as the setting of parameters, are tailored to the tilt database which is not included in this repo.

1 Typo Detection

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("data/typo_cor_input.csv")
import spacy

# loading a big language model that holds a large share of English words
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
english_words = list(nlp.vocab.strings)
from textblob import TextBlob

def might_have_typos(text):
  in_vocab = [word in english_words for word in TextBlob(text).words]
  # as soon as one word in the text is not in the language model assume typos
  return (False in in_vocab)

data['suggest_typo'] = data["products_and_services"].apply(might_have_typos)
suggest_typo = data[data["suggest_typo"] == True]
print("Detecting potential typo for", len(suggest_typo.index), "out of", len(data.index), "rows.")
#> Detecting potential typo for 2 out of 6 rows.
products_id products_and_services suggest_typo
1 fish FALSE
2 apples FALSE
3 well management FALSE
4 Hofladen für biologische Produkte TRUE
5 selllling fishnchips TRUE
6 energy consultants FALSE

2 Delimiting

Unfortunately the use of delimiters in the data is very inconsistent. E.g. an and or a , might delimit 2 products but this is not necessarily the case.

In this step all rows that holds potential delimiters are identified, in a subsequent manual step delimiting is done if needed.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
delimit_data = readr::read_csv("data/delimiting_input.csv")
#> Rows: 8 Columns: 2
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (1): products_and_services
#> dbl (1): products_id
#> ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#> ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

These are those most likely delimiters. The Dutch word for or (of) is not included as it would yield too many false positives due to the English word of.

delimiters <- "[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]und[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]y[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]et[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]en[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]or[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]oder[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]o[[:space:]]|[[:space:]]ou[[:space:]]|,|-|\\||/|;|&|\\$"
data_checked_for_delimiters <- delimit_data %>% 
  mutate(suggest_delimiter = grepl(delimiters, products_and_services))

assume_delimiters <- data_checked_for_delimiters %>% 
  dplyr::filter(suggest_delimiter == TRUE)
print(paste("Detecting potential delimiter for", nrow(assume_delimiters), "out of", nrow(delimit_data), "rows."))
#> [1] "Detecting potential delimiter for 5 out of 8 rows."
products_id products_and_services suggest_delimiter
1 fish FALSE
2 apples FALSE
3 fish & chips TRUE
4 apples & pears TRUE
5 honey, organic TRUE
6 apples, pears TRUE
7 mint, fresh and organic TRUE
8 mint FALSE

3 Deduplication

There are a lot fuzzy duplicated products in the data. In the following, clusters of words are constructed that are near duplicates. It is then manually checked if words can be considered as duplicates. Harmonizing the products to canonical forms will increase consistency and reduce manual effort.

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("data/deduplication_input.csv")
documents = data["products_and_services"].to_list()


Removal of stop words is done to reduce noise. However given that our products are not longer free text but relatively short formulations there are not too many stopwords to be expected, instead removal of standard stopwords could even be harmful, e.g. removing a in Vitamin a, i.e. it will increase the number of false positive duplicates. However since there will be a manual check of suggested duplicates this is acceptable.

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')

def lemmatize(txt):
    lemmatised_list = [token.lemma_.lower() for token in nlp(txt) if not (token.is_stop or token.is_punct)]
texts = [[text for text in lemmatize(doc)] for doc in documents]

Calculating Cosine Similarities

Note that at the moment all products are compared to all products, no blocking is used. This could be adapted if needed, e.g. by blocking by sector. It would limit the number of needed comparisons (speed) however we would overlook cases where e.g. products are identical between sectors.

With unigrams

At the beginning of research on deduplication, bigrams were used. Using unigrams leads to a higher number of products considered potential matches, meaning less false negatives but more false positives. As we optimise for recall, unigrams are used.

from gensim import corpora
from gensim.similarities import MatrixSimilarity
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts)
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(docString) for docString in texts]

Calculating pairwise cosine similarities. Only returning the n_best matches per product. The best 20 matches are returned. This number was chosen after empirically checking behavior on on the original data.

n_best = 20
index = MatrixSimilarity(corpus=corpus,
                   num_best = n_best)

Wrangling the results of cosine similarity calculation

doc_id = 0
similar_docs = {}

for similarities in index:
    similar_docs[doc_id] = list(enumerate(similarities))
    doc_id += 1

Creating a dataframe of results from the pairwise cosine similarity calculations.

import pandas as pd
row_original_list = []
row_match_list = []
similarity_list = []

for doc_id, sim_doc_tuple_list in similar_docs.items():
  for sim_doc_tuple in sim_doc_tuple_list:
     row_match = sim_doc_tuple[1][0]
     similarity = sim_doc_tuple[1][1]
df_temp = pd.DataFrame({"row_original": row_original_list, "row_match": row_match_list, "similarity": similarity_list})
df_temp  = df_temp[df_temp["row_original"] != df_temp["row_match"]]

Adding original products_and_services.

lookup = data[["products_and_services"]]
df_temp = df_temp.merge(lookup, how = "inner", left_on = "row_original", right_index = True)
df_temp = df_temp.merge(lookup, how = "inner", left_on = "row_match", right_index = True)
row_original row_match similarity products_and_services_x products_and_services_y
1 0 1 1.0000000 apples apple
2 1 0 1.0000000 apple apples
6 3 4 0.7500000 exporter red chili pepper exporters of red hot pepper
8 4 3 0.7500000 exporters of red hot pepper exporter red chili pepper
10 5 6 0.7071068 pasteboard pasteboard working
12 6 5 0.7071068 pasteboard working pasteboard
14 7 9 0.7071068 geographical maps maps
17 8 9 0.7071068 map of the world maps
15 7 8 0.5000000 geographical maps map of the world
21 9 8 0.7071068 maps map of the world
18 8 7 0.5000000 map of the world geographical maps
20 9 7 0.7071068 maps geographical maps

In the following data pairs are considered duplicates if their similarity exceeds a certain threshold.

Identifying clusters

The dataframe df_temp now holds all pairwise comparison as described above. It does not show with the toy data set, but using the tilt products (>30000) we need to identify clusters of duplicates that can be processed by a human. All products in a cluster could then be converted to a canonical form.

In order to identify clusters connected components approach is used**.** In concrete, if A and B are considered a duplicate and B and C are considered a duplicate it is assumed that A, B and C are a cluster and have a canonical form. This is a rather liberal approach for turning results of pairwise comparisons into clusters but since there is a manual approval step anyway and we aim for reducing the number of false negatives (i.e. duplicates/clusters are not identified as such) this approach is reasonable.

Since the number of products in the original data is rather high we need to make sure to arrive at overseeable cluster sizes. Empiric research on the tilt data showed that clusters > 10 usually do not map well to a canonical form, thus we accept only clusters up to a size of 10. In order to group all duplicates into such clusters the similarity threshold for considering 2 words a duplicate is increased iteratively and per similarity the clusters that are below the cutoff size of 10 are kept.

import networkx as nx
cluster_threshold = 10

df_continue = df_temp
df_accepted = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["cluster_id", "id", "sim_threshold", "cluster_threshold"])

sim_threshold = 0.5
cluster_id = 0
while sim_threshold < 1.01 and len(df_continue.index) > 0:
  print("Starting new round with a similarity threshold above", sim_threshold, ".")
  df_continue_temp = df_continue[df_continue["similarity"] > sim_threshold]
  print("-- Inferring clusters from", len(df_continue_temp.index), "rows.")
  duplicate_tuples_list = list(zip(df_continue_temp.row_original, df_continue_temp.row_match))
  G = nx.Graph()
  print("-- Created connected components.")
  cluster_list = [connected_component for connected_component in nx.connected_components(G)]
  clusters_list = []
  ids_list = []
  for cluster in cluster_list:
    for ids in cluster:
    cluster_id += 1
  df_w_clusters = pd.DataFrame({'cluster_id': clusters_list, 'id': ids_list})
  df_w_clusters["sim_threshold"] = sim_threshold
  df_w_clusters["cluster_threshold"] = cluster_threshold
  print("-- Identified", len(set(df_w_clusters["cluster_id"])), "clusters in this iteration.")
  cluster_size = df_w_clusters.groupby(['cluster_id']).size().reset_index(name='counts')
  big_cluster_ids = cluster_size[cluster_size["counts"] > cluster_threshold]["cluster_id"]
  print("-- From these clusters", len(set(big_cluster_ids)), "have a size higher than the cluster threshold", cluster_threshold,".")
  df_accepted_temp = df_w_clusters[~df_w_clusters["cluster_id"].isin(big_cluster_ids)]
  print("-- Accepted", len(df_accepted_temp.index), "new clustered rows in", len(set(df_accepted_temp["cluster_id"])), "clusters in this iteration.")
  df_accepted = pd.concat([df_accepted, df_accepted_temp], verify_integrity = True, ignore_index = True)
  print("-- This makes a temporary total of", len(df_accepted.index), "rows in", len(set(df_accepted["cluster_id"])), "clusters in this iteration.")
  ids_continue = df_w_clusters[df_w_clusters["cluster_id"].isin(big_cluster_ids)]["id"]
  df_continue = df_continue_temp[df_continue_temp["row_original"].isin(ids_continue) | df_continue_temp["row_match"].isin(ids_continue)]
  print("-- Continuing with", len(df_continue.index), "rows for which cluster sizes where above cluster threshold", cluster_threshold, "when using a minimal similarity of", sim_threshold,".")
  cluster_id += 1
  print("-- Using cluster id", cluster_id, "in the next round.")
  sim_threshold += 0.05
  print("-- Similarity threshold increased to", sim_threshold, ".")
#> Starting new round with a similarity threshold above 0.5 .
#> -- Inferring clusters from 10 rows.
#> -- Created connected components.
#> -- Identified 4 clusters in this iteration.
#> -- From these clusters 0 have a size higher than the cluster threshold 10 .
#> -- Accepted 9 new clustered rows in 4 clusters in this iteration.
#> -- This makes a temporary total of 9 rows in 4 clusters in this iteration.
#> -- Continuing with 0 rows for which cluster sizes where above cluster threshold 10 when using a minimal similarity of 0.5 .
#> -- Using cluster id 5 in the next round.
#> -- Similarity threshold increased to 0.55 .
lookup = data[["products_and_services", "products_id"]]

df_accepted = df_accepted.merge(lookup, how = "inner", left_on = "id", right_index = True)

df_accepted_w_clusters = df_accepted[["products_id", "products_and_services", "cluster_id", "sim_threshold", "cluster_threshold"]]
df_accepted_w_clusters = df_accepted_w_clusters.sort_values(by = ["cluster_id", "products_and_services"])

Given the small amount of data we only need 1 iteration in this demo and arrive at the following clusters.

products_id products_and_services cluster_id sim_threshold cluster_threshold
1 2 apple 0 0.5 10
0 1 apples 0 0.5 10
2 4 exporter red chili pepper 1 0.5 10
3 5 exporters of red hot pepper 1 0.5 10
4 6 pasteboard 2 0.5 10
5 7 pasteboard working 2 0.5 10
8 8 geographical maps 3 0.5 10
6 9 map of the world 3 0.5 10
7 10 maps 3 0.5 10