
This project is a platform for a product store, serving as an example of a CRUD API implemented in Node.js with Express. It establishes a connection to a NoSQL collection on MongoDB Cloud.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My Store

This project is a products store e-commerce platform, serving as an example of a CRUD API implemented in Node.js with Express. It establishes a connection to a NoSQL collection on MongoDB Cloud.


Edit and rename .env.example with your own settings


If you do not have a mongodb cloud account or just want to test the api locally, make sure you have enabled it in services/products.router.js file:

const ProductsService = require('../services/local.product.service');  // local, with arrays
// const ProductsService = require('../services/product.service');  // connects to mongodb cloud


Install and run dev

npm install
npm run dev

Now you can use all endpoints for api testing at localhost:3000/api/v1/


  • There is an extra '/generate' endpoint to create fake data.
  • I added an extra field 'isBlock' to represent an example of how authorization works, for testing purposes.


  • Faker: used to generate fake data.
  • @hapi/boom: used for error handling.
  • joi: used for schema description and data validation.

Improvements / TO DO:

  • API Documentation
  • Tests