WordPress plugin to let your users connect in WordPress using their Facebook account

This is a very simple plugin that registers a new shortcode in WordPress: [alka_facebook/] which displays a button to let your users register or login to your WordPress site using Facebook.

Description and tutorial

This repository is the result of a tutorial wrote for the Alkaweb's blog:


If you want to get everything working, I highly recommend you to have a look on this article.


  • Place the repository in wp-content/plugins/`
  • Activate the plugin in WordPress > Plugins > Alka Facebook > Activate
  • Set your APP ID and APP Secret right in the alka-facebook.php file (L37 and L44)
  • Use the [alka_facebook/] shortcode in any page

Going further

Feel free to make any change, you can see the list of possible improvements at the end of the article.