
Primary LanguageElm


In a bid to replace all the direct javascript and html code in gRPC-streaming, I'm trying out using elm with gRPC. Implementing Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) in elm seems like an Herculian task at the moment and I am yet to find an implementation (only encoders and decoders of models to and from protobuf messages). With that in mind, I've decided to use gRPC-json with an envoy proxy.


This project is just a proof of concept showing how elm can be used with grpc. All it does is make a request to the hello service (implemented in Go) on each key input in the text field and displays the response message from the service.


  • Docker
  • docker-compose


To run this application, just pull the source from this repo and run the following command

docker-compose up --build

The app should be running at elm-gprc. If it displays an error, go here and follow the path from there.