Black dominant color scheme for various platforms. 🖤💙

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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BWnB (Black White n Blue) is a true black color theme with blue accents.

Darker than any other dark theme out there, BWnB is specially useful for AMOLED screens. Embrace the darkness!

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
  • Windows

Usage Instructions

git clone https://github.com/2kabhishek/BWnB.git


Double click windows/BWnB.theme.



You have to use a plasma theme that follows color scheme (e.g Breeze, Arc Color).

Open System Settings > Color, then click on install from file and select kde/BWnB.colors.

Then go to Application styles and pick an appropriate option, I'll again recommend Breeze.


Install the Kvantum theme and select it.


You have to install oomox there select BWnB from the available themes.

Telegram Desktop

Send telegram/BWnB.tdesktop-theme to your saved messages and apply the theme.

More Info