This is the technical challenge to be taken by applicants, applying for the role Frontend developer into SBTel & Devices Ltd. The goal of the challenge is to test your HTML, CSS and javascript skills. How well you can build Beautiful UI's using modern technologies. In essence feel free to excercise your technical prowess when using the technologies.

Getting Started

You are expected to build the frontend UI of a voting platform.


You would need to have nodejs & npm installed on your development machine. donwload nodejs

The project should be bootstrapped with the vue cli service. [Vue CLI](


  • The project is to be built with Vuejs Framework, ES6.
  • this project contains assets expected to be used in the project. you have sample nominees images e.t.c. For assets related stuffs, Kindly refer to the assets folder in this project.
  • For the nominees, you should create an array of objects that represent each nominee. A sample object for a nominee below
  id: 1,  
  name: 'Demilade Akinfewa',
  designation: 'Account Manager',
  company: 'Abuja Central Park, Abuja',
  image: '/img/Contestant/Demilade-Akinfenwa-Central-Park.jpg',
  profile: 'lorem ipsum '

* The id key serves as the unique identifier for each nominee.
* The nominees UI should be built from the nominees array
  • Users are expected to be able to vote once. (users vote actions should be persisted, to verfiy against.)


  • You are expected to push your projects to github and send the github link to this email: []
  • The project can be hosted on github pages or any other hosting platform of your choice you're comfortable with. The link should be sent along with the github link.
For any clarificication on the project scope,  you can always shoot me an email ( or a dm on twitter.
Twitter username:  @adepitanmasud

Go forth and start building....