Project Overview

Test project to implement some set of API's for an hospitality reservation booking system.

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Built With

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Running the project

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Make sure you have node and MySQL installed
  3. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  4. Configure your environment. Run the command below to make an env file
    npm run env:copy
  5. Update the env file with the config as stated
  6. Run database migrations
    npm run migrate
  7. Run database seeds
    npm run seed all
  8. Run the command below to start the project
    npm run dev

Running Tests

Kindly create a database name carbon_hospitality_reservation_test

Run Test: npm run test
Run test coverage: npm run test:coverage

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What has been covered.

The API services is splitted into three feature components:

NOTE:  {{serverUrl}} = {{baseUrl}}/api/v1/ e.g http://localhost:4000/api/v1


The customer's endpoint allows you create one, get all customers. more information on the endpoints below:

  1. Create Customer - POST
  2. Get All Customers - GET
  3. Get One Customer - GET


The rooms's endpoint allows you create one, get all rooms. more information on the endpoints below:

  1. Create Room - POST
  2. Get All Rooms - GET
  3. Get One Room - GET


The reservations's endpoint allows you create one, get all reservations. more information on the endpoints below:

  1. Create Reservation - POST
  2. Get All Reservations - GET (response includes computed overstay fees and hours)
  3. Get One Reservation - GET
  4. Checkin Reservation - PATCH
  5. Checkout Reservation - PATCH

All the endpoints both have the same response structure as described below:

    "success": boolean, // true if everything goes well.
    "message": string   //description of the data,
    "data":  number | string | Array | object //data here can be string,array or object

Kindly download the postman collection from the link below

Click to download postman collection