
Multiplayer emoji guessing game made with MERN Stack, GraphQL, and WebSockets. You can view the demo here (may not be playable).



  1. Select a board
  2. Click play
  3. Give the room ID for your friend to join


  1. Pick an emoji
  2. Wait for your friend to ask you a yes/no question about your emoji
  3. Answer yes/no
  4. Ask your friend a yes/no question about their emoji
  5. Click to hide emojis which violate your friend's answer
  6. Repeat from step 2

Winning condition
The first player to guesstimate the other emoji in chat wins

Technical details

Front end

State is managed using react-redux. The store provided by redux is made up of the following slices:

  • roomSlice
    • handles room ID, whether the room is full, selected board, and the random emoji that shows in the title
  • opponentBoardSlice
    • handles when opponent hides emojis
  • gameLogSlice
    • handles game log
  • playersSlice
    • handles whether player picked their emoji yet

There is a correspondence between action types and server events, i.e.,

Back end

The game logic layer runs on a node.js instance. Player picks are stored server side. The server groups client sockets into rooms using and emits game events exclusive to that room. Game state is stored in the roomHashTable at this layer.
The data access/service layer is managed with mongoose and the controller layer is managed with GraphQL. When the game ends, data from the roomHashTable is stored in a mongodb collection called games in the guesstimoji database. Here is an example of a game log stored there:

"gameLog": [
        "time": "2020-08-26T03:00:03Z",
        "username": "Player 2",
        "message": "🐙"
        "time": "2020-08-26T02:59:40Z",
        "username": "Player 2",
        "message": "No."
        "time": "2020-08-26T02:59:38Z",
        "username": "Player 1",
        "message": "does it live in water"
        "time": "2020-08-26T02:59:23Z",
        "username": "Player 1",
        "message": "Yes."
        "time": "2020-08-26T02:59:22Z",
        "username": "Player 2",
        "message": "does it have tentacles"
        "time": "2020-08-26T02:58:45Z",
        "username": "Player 2",
        "message": "No."
        "time": "2020-08-26T02:58:14Z",
        "username": "Player 1",
        "message": "is it a bug"
        "time": "2020-08-26T02:57:59Z",
        "username": "Player 1",
        "message": "Yes."
        "time": "2020-08-26T02:57:57Z",
        "username": "Player 2",
        "message": "does it live in water"

Running locally

Docker installed

Run docker-compose up in the project root.

Docker not installed

In the root directory, run npm install in the reactApp, gameApi, and graphQl directories. The server requires a local instance of mongodb running on port 27017. After this and mongosh are installed, you can create the database by running mogosh intializeDb.js inside the graphQl directories. Run npm start inside the reactApp to start the front end and both APIs.

The backend uses the following environment variables:

    • This is the host name of the mongodb server.
    • For example, it may be mongo or localhost.
    • It defaults to mongo.
    • This is the name of the mongodb database we use.
    • For example, it might be guesstimoji.
    • It defaults to guesstimoji.


The website and APIs are served with .service unit files in the /etc/systemd/system directory. The website is served with this:

Description=HTTP Web Server



where is:

cd /var/www/html/build
serve -n -l 80

The game logic API is started with this:

Description=HTTP Game Logic API

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node server.js


The GraphQL API is started similarly.