This repo contains some of my customizations for adapting Doxygen's HTML output using some Material Design.
@warning 🚧 This theme is still an alpha state Work-In-Progress. It is not ready for release and the instructions outlined are subject to change without notice.
If your project is already using customized header, footer, and layout files, then you might just consider this repository an inspiration to copy from, since this repository carries an MIT License.
- Note that material icons have been embedded via CSS, and they are subject to Google's Apache License v2. The material icons used by this theme are not distributed with this theme's assets, rather they are fetched (by the browser) when the generated HTML is loaded.
- The distributed JS dependencies also use a MIT license, namely the materialize-css framework and clipboard.js. These distributed minified scripts have not been altered, they are just served with the generated html for performance and connectivity reasons.
This theme has been tested and developed using doxygen v1.9.1, and it is intended to be backwards compatible with older versions of doxygen. However, doxygen's generated HTML output tends to differ significantly without notice (meaning HTML changes do no correspond to semantic versioning).
Simply copy the doxygen-materialized folder (from this repo's release assets) into a doxygen project.
The destination of this folder can be anywhere (within the Doxyfile's
path), but I recommend keeping all documentation related files in a separate folder like "docs". -
Modify your project's Doxyfile. This can be done in 1 of 2 ways.
- Add the following line to your project's doxyfile (preferably at the end of the file):
@INCLUDE = doxygen-materialized/doxyfile_overrides.ini
- Change or add the following lines to your project's Doxyfile:
HTML_HEADER = doxygen-materialized/templates/header.html
HTML_FOOTER = doxygen-materialized/templates/footer.html
HTML_STYLESHEET = doxygen-materialized/css/theme.min.css
HTML_EXTRA_FILES += doxygen-materialized/favicon.ico
HTML_EXTRA_FILES += doxygen-materialized/js/materialize.min.js
HTML_EXTRA_FILES += doxygen-materialized/js/clipboard.min.js
HTML_EXTRA_FILES += doxygen-materialized/js/theme_header_script.min.js
HTML_EXTRA_FILES += doxygen-materialized/js/theme_footer_script.min.js
Keep in mind that the paths specified should be relative to the directory from which doxygen is executed.
- re-styled admonitions (includes appropriate icons in admonitions' titles)
- integrated support for dark theme (with toggle switch) that works with the user's OS settings
- added "scroll-to-top" button which appears at 360px (approximately 5 scroll wheel "notches") from the top of the page. This is made compatible with and without GENERATE_TREEVIEW enabled.
- add a favicon (in doxygen_overrides/header.html) which can easily be change by replacing/changing the doxygen_overrides/favicon.ico file.
- added copy-to-clipboard button for all code blocks (which have been re-styled in the process)
- moved site indexing tabs into the slide out nav menu (toggled via the navbar's hamburger
button). This feature requires
set toNO
in the project's Doxyfile.