
Discord's api captcha bypass question

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Idea :

Use discord api to try joining the discord server, get captcha sitekey & rqdata of the captcha that block you and solve it to finaly join the server.

Code :

r = requests.post("https://discord.com/api/v9/invites/" + code, headers=headers).text
result = solver.hcaptcha( sitekey=str(sitekey), url='https://discord.com/channels/@me', data=str(rqdata), ) print(str(result))

Result (output) :

{'captchaId': '76536955165', 'code': 'P1_...'}

Question :

How to use the returned value (result) to bypass the discord captcha ? Thanks

If im not misunderstanding your question, the returned value would be used in the "captchaResponse" field of a request to the discord API, or to fill the hidden input of a form.

g-recaptcha-response hidden input

@slayy2357 To solve recaptcha, you can also use alternative methods such as grid method or coordinates.

You can also write a ticket on the page https://2captcha.com/support/tickets/new and ask your question there.