Python 3 package for easy integration with the API of 2captcha captcha solving service to bypass recaptcha, сloudflare turnstile, funcaptcha, geetest and solve any other captchas.
- 1trackprojects1Russia
- AleksandrIvin
- alfonso777IME-USP
- anyfactorremote
- bradbaloghVail Systems
- bryaanh
- ChenPaulYuNational Taiwan University
- claquirouClaquirou
- CraftedCatGitHub
- DanteAlighierinstudent
- duongtdvn@Tiachopcom
- feschenkoBelarus
- freezy63
- hcaihaoShanghai
- HeliasFedEx
- juanriaza@idealista
- Kaytuu
- nguyenphat57
- pawanpaudel93Nepal
- ravigomezRio de Janeiro - BR
- rl1987Planet Earth
- rometwFox
- rpsjr
- rsoorajsIndia
- ryanlaunyc & atl
- shiboob
- sorenrood@replit
- trumeetration
- victory-sokolovLatvia
- vldsxoMoon
- weamingShenzhen, China
- yafiabiyyuMalang
- yangbh
- YoshiTheChinchillaWorldwide
- youngkess27
- zyearw1024