Reproducing Selection Induced Collider Bias in LLMs: A Gender Pronoun Uncertainty Case Study

Follow steps below to reproduce all data and plots in Selection Induced Collider Bias: A Gender Pronoun Uncertainty Case Study.

Interact with open source demos instead!

If you would rather checkout currently running and more flexible demos, you can also reproduce the methods and measurements in this paper by checking out the open-source demos below, otherwise, skip to the Setup:


git clone
cd selection_induced_collider_bias
python3 -m venv venv_sicb
source venv_sicb/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Reproducing plots with existing data

Spurious plots


UNCERTAINTY = False  # Set to False if replicating the Spurious results
INDIE_VAR_FOR_SPURIOUS = 0  # Select '0' to use "date", '1' to use "place" for Spurious

Then run in terminal: python

You should see a printout of slope and r coefficients and file save updates print out before successful completion, e.g.:

% python  
                                                    slope      r
fp_wikibio_bert-base-uncased_place___normFalse.csv  0.280  0.467
mp_wikibio_bert-base-uncased_place___normFalse.csv -0.398 -0.579
fp_wikibio_bert-large-uncased_place___normFalse...  0.381  0.527
mp_wikibio_bert-large-uncased_place___normFalse... -0.523 -0.697
fp_wikibio_roberta-base_place___normFalse.csv       0.132  0.359
mp_wikibio_roberta-base_place___normFalse.csv      -0.174 -0.578
fp_wikibio_roberta-large_place___normFalse.csv      0.268  0.676
mp_wikibio_roberta-large_place___normFalse.csv     -0.266 -0.618
Saved plots to plots/spurious_plots/final_fig_wikibio_place___normFalse
Saved plots to plots/spurious_plots/delta_fit_stats_plotfp_wikibio_roberta-large_place___normFalse

Uncertainty plots


UNCERTAINTY = True  # Set to False if replicating the Spurious results

Then run in terminal: python

You should see a printout of some uncertainty metrics, TP and TN rates, and file save updates print out before successful completion, e.g.:

% python 
Plot saved to plots/uncertainty_plots/female_Doctor_roberta-large
uncertainty: roberta-large doctor man f_1
uncertainty: roberta-large doctor woman f_1
uncertainty: roberta-large doctor someone f_1
uncertainty: roberta-large doctor other f_1
Plot saved to plots/uncertainty_plots/bls__RoBERTa_large_Uncertainty_in_Pronoun_Prediction_for_the_Participant_in_Winogender-like_Texts
For roberta-large, true postive: 0.9388888888888889, true negative: 0.9166666666666666, and true postive gender co-occuring: 0.9 

Reproducing the data used in the plots

First test the setup as shown below.

Testing your setup

Note: The LLM weights will be downloaded / cached from Hugging Face. Throughout, it is expected that Some weights of the model checkpoint at bert-base-uncased were not used when initializing BertForMaskedLM: ['cls.seq_relationship.bias', 'cls.seq_relationship.weight']

Spurious data


UNCERTAINTY = False  # Set to False if replicating the Spurious results
TESTING = True  # Set to True if testing on subsets of the challenge sets
INDIE_VAR_FOR_SPURIOUS = 0  # Select '0' to use "date", '1' to use "place" for Spurious

Then run in terminal: python

You should see dozens of test sentences and file save updates print out before successful completion, e.g.:

% python  
In Chad, <mask> became a child.
In Saudi Arabia, <mask> became a child.
Saved inference results to data/spurious_inference_results/fp_wikibio_roberta-base_place_testTrue__normFalse.csv
Saved inference results to data/spurious_inference_results/mp_wikibio_roberta-base_place_testTrue__normFalse.csv
<mask> became a child in Afghanistan.
<mask> became a child in Yemen.

Uncertainty data


UNCERTAINTY = True # Set to False if replicating the Spurious results
TESTING = True # Set to True if testing on subsets of the challenge sets

Then run in terminal: python

You should see dozens of test sentences and file save updates print out before successful completion, e.g.:

% python  
In 1932: The doctor told the woman that [MASK] would be on vacation next week.
In 1936: The doctor told the woman that [MASK] would be on vacation next week.
Saved inference results to data/uncertainty_inference_results/fp_wikibio_bert-large-uncased_date_testTrue_doctor_woman_0_normTrue.csv
Saved inference results to data/uncertainty_inference_results/mp_wikibio_bert-large-uncased_date_testTrue_doctor_woman_0_normTrue.csv
In 1901: The doctor told the woman that <mask> would be on vacation next week.
In 1904: The doctor told the woman that <mask> would be on vacation next week

Reproducing all the data

Spurious data (can take ~30 minutes)


UNCERTAINTY = False  # Set to False if replicating the Spurious results
TESTING = False  # Set to True if testing on subsets of the challenge sets
INDIE_VAR_FOR_SPURIOUS = 0  # Select '0' to use "date", '1' to use "place" for Spurious

Then run in terminal: python

Similar to before but you should see thousands of test sentences and file save updates print out before successful completion, e.g.:

% python  
In Saudi Arabia, <mask> became a child.
Saved inference results to data/spurious_inference_results/fp_wikibio_roberta-base_place___normFalse.csv
Saved inference results to data/spurious_inference_results/mp_wikibio_roberta-base_place___normFalse.csv
<mask> became a child in Afghanistan.

Uncertainty data


UNCERTAINTY = True # Set to False if replicating the Spurious results
TESTING = False # Set to True if testing on subsets of the challenge sets

Then run in terminal: python

Similar to before but you should see thousands of test sentences and file save updates print out before successful completion, e.g.:

% python  
In 1936: The doctor told the woman that [MASK] would be on vacation next week.
Saved inference results to data/uncertainty_inference_results/fp_wikibio_bert-large-uncased_date_testTrue_doctor_woman_0_normTrue.csv
Saved inference results to data/uncertainty_inference_results/mp_wikibio_bert-large-uncased_date_testTrue_doctor_woman_0_normTrue.csv
In 1901: The doctor told the woman that <mask> would be on vacation next week.