
Example of recording then stitching together multiple video segments taken from the camera of an iOS device.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


work in progress

This is an example of taking multiple videos using the video camera on an iOS device then stitching those video segments together into one output file.

When you save a video it is saved to your camera roll.

Code Structure

The two main classes that do the heavy lifting for the video capture and processing are:

VideoCameraInputManager - Pulls together the input sources and manages the recording session. Allows for pausing and resuming video recording. Keeps track of the total runtime of all the segements of video created by pausing and resuming.

AVAssetStitcher - Stitches together multiple input videos and generate a single mpeg4 output. Along the way it applies a CGAffineTransform to each video segment.

Configuration Options

You can adjust the min/max recording times by modifying the following lines in RecordingViewController.m:


You can change the recording preset by modifying the following line inRecordingViewController.m:

#define CAPTURE_SESSION_PRESET AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480

You can adjsut the initial input capture device by modifying the following line in RecordingViewController.m:


You can adjust the initial mode of the torch by modifying the following line in the RecordingViewController.m:

#define INITIAL_TORCH_MODE AVCaptureTorchModeOff


MIT, see the LICENSE file.