Presentation and tech demo
To demonstrate Terraform, this repo grabs all repository names under an org, and creates a consumption azure container environment, with container apps for each repo. Each container app is loaded with a github runner scoped to one of the repos.
Sources: Azure Container App Terraform Module - Github action runner guide:
Manually created resources:
- Service Principle | App Registration - Given scoped access to create resources on subscription.
- Storage Account where state files can be stored with a tfstate container.
- Set org_name to repo owner name
Resources to deploy Azurerm
- Resource Group
- Log Analytics Workspace
- Container App Env
- (Container App)[] Github
- (GitHub Action Runner Group)[]
Secrets: Azure Credentials ARM_CLIENT_SECRET AZURE_CLIENT_ID AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID AZURE_TENANT_ID STATE_RG_NAME - The resource group with the state file container STATE_SA_NAME - The name of the storage account where the state files are stored. AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_USERNAME - Username for ACR AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD - Password for ACR GitHub values
Variables: Org name - GitHub Org/User name