
Object Detector for ROS2

Primary LanguagePython


Object Detector (ultralytics) for ROS2


  • show_bbox_image: Show the image with bounding boxes (default: True)
  • dps: Detections per second (default: 15)
  • weights: Model to use (default: yolov8n.pt)
  • conf: Confidence threshold (default: 0.25)
  • iou: IoU threshold (default: 0.45)
  • max_det: Maximum detections (default: 300)
  • image_topic: Subscribed image topic (default: image_raw)
  • bbox_result_topic: Bounding box result publisher topic (default: image_raw/bbox/result)
  • bbox_image_topic: Bounding box image publisher topic (default: image_raw/bbox/image)