
Your Universal Launchpad πŸ›ΈπŸš€

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Your Universal Launchpad πŸ›ΈπŸš€

rofi2k Demo
rofi2k screenshot

rofi2k is an universal application launcher based on rofi, has modern and minimalistic aesthetics.

✨ Features

  • Launch any application on your system
  • Window switcher with workspace support
  • Explore and edit all files on your system
  • Search and insert emojis


⚑ Requirements

πŸš€ Installation

git clone https://github.com/2kabhishek/rofi2k
# Install
ln -sfnv $PWD/rofi2k ~/.config/rofi
# Run
rofi -show

If you already have a rofi config, append the lines in config.rasi and copy over themes.

πŸ’» Usage

To run rofi do rofi -show mode

πŸ€– Modes

  • drun: Launch apps
  • window: Window switcher
  • filebrowser: File explorer
  • run: Launch commands
  • emoji: Emoji search
  • calc: Calculator
  • ssh: Manage SSH sessions
  • combi: Combo modes
  • keys: Keyboard shortcuts

By default drun, window, filebrowser and run modes are enabled, to add more simply edit the config.rasi file

⌨️ Keybindings

You can invoke rofi directly from the command line, but it is recommended to have a keybinding configured.

Here's my recommended key bindings

Keybinding Description Command
Super + Space Application Launcher rofi -show drun
Super + Tab Window Switcher rofi -show window
Super + . Emoji Search rofi -show emoji

What's Next

Planning to add more useful panels.

Behind The Code

🌈 Inspiration

rofi2k was inspired by posts on r/unixporn and a need for a functional application launcher.

πŸ’‘ Challenges/Learnings

  • Battling my OCD of trying to get everything just right. πŸ˜†
  • Learned about the rofi ecosystem

🧰 Tooling

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