
Primary LanguageTypeScript

ToDo App

Simple full-stack ToDo web app as a college project. Be aware this is not production-ready code. Use at your own discretion.


API (packages/todo-api) - NestJS

Consists of 2 APIs;

  • REST API for authentication and JWT signing - /api/auth
  • GraphQL API for actual user and todo data - /graphql - requires a valid JWT token

Frontend (packages/to-do-list) - NextJS

Consists of a single server-side route (API) for authentication and storing session. Rest happens on client-side.

Other tech used:

  • Apollo
  • TypeScript
  • Fastify
  • NextAuth
  • Passport
  • Prisma
  • TailwindCSS

Running the project



npm ci

in root directory.

Connecting to DB

Put your DB connection data inside packages/models/.env; A double postgres (db + shadow) combo was used during development; the schema is simple enough to work with any prisma-supported SQL DB.

Create the schema in the DB/migrate the DB

npx nx run models:migrate-up

Generate Prisma client library (TypeScript API for interacting with DB and schema)

npx nx run models:gen-client

Start the API

npx nx run todo-api:serve

By default will run on http://localhost:3333

Download fresh GraphQL schema from API

npx nx run to-do-list:fetch-schema

Code-gen query and mutation types for Apollo

npx nx run to-do-list:schema-codegen

Start frontend

npx nx run to-do-list:serve

Creating a user

Simply POST (e.g. with Postman) an application/json into /api/auth/register with body-params 'username' and 'password' to create a new user.