Documentation may be written in markdown and served by a minimal webapp.
Documentation kept in vcs, along with the project it pertains to, if any.
Client asks for ´/doc/´: respond with ´/doc/´
Client asks for ´/doc/page.html´: respond with an html page that render inside.
Rendering is done using JavaScript MarkDown renderer PageDown or ShowDown and google-code-prettify syntax highlighting
Server side logic is done with Play 2 Scala
Play2 on Heroku
Heroku Scala Play2 Sample
heroku create
git push heroku master
play debug run
I set up so that published projects (2my + antares docsite) have docengine upstream. See GitRef on remotes. In order to manage passwords, I followed tip on GitHub and Multiple Accounts.
(antares.docsite) git pull upstream master
(2my.docsite) git pull upstream master
(2my.docsite) git push origin master