
Extract interface from the go struct

Primary LanguageGo



ifacemaker \
  --source-pkg github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v5@v5.39.3 \
  --module-path model \
  --result-pkg client \
  --struct-name Client4 \
  --interface-name Client4 \
  --output mattermost/client.go


  • --source-pkg - A source package in which the desired struct is located.
  • --module-path - A full path to the struct package where desired struct resides. Should start from the source package's root.
  • --result-pkg - A name for the resulting package.
  • --struct-name - A name of the struct from which an interface should be generated.
  • --interface-name - A name for resulting interface.
  • --output - A filename in which a result interface is going to be stored.