- 2
Add Documentation to Github
#23 opened by ukanuk - 3
Ambiguous truth table / minterms / maxterms
#22 opened by ukanuk - 4
FeatureRequest: Support showing indices
#10 opened by jasonf20 - 1
Support for more templates
#19 opened by yklcs - 5
Support for tikzexternal
#21 opened by TheChilliPL - 0
- 20
FeatureRequest: colour-blind compatible way to visually differentiate between implicants
#16 opened by Dettorer - 1
\newcount misplaced
#15 opened by eg9 - 8
Resulting equation
#5 opened by oscargus - 2
- 0
Automated Testing: Switch from Travis
#18 opened by 2pi - 3
Position of input variables
#3 opened by oscargus - 2
- 0
Column references wrong
#11 opened by samrobbins85 - 4
Inconsistent colouring of implicants
#9 opened by a1880 - 2
Overlapping symbols with \autoterms
#8 opened by ylfchild - 2
- 3
No way to scale
#2 opened by jmerdich - 0
Name of output variable
#4 opened by oscargus