
Voice Based vCenter Assistant


Voice Based vCenter Assistant

Granted, vmware vCenter client provide great solutions for infrastructure management, but wouldn’t it be better if we have a virtual assistant to operate on the management solutions and deliver a seamless hands-free experience- a helping hand for the newbies and a make life easy tool for the experienced.

This is my hobby project and is not a vmware product. I tried to build something for fun along with Sighil Sivadas , shreedevi k and Arjun K Murthy

Our Motivation:

  • Managing a huge infra is not a cake walk.

  • vcenter is user friendly but it is just selective about who its friends are.

  • And the foremost of all, at times Artificial Intelligence beats human stupidity. We developed, “WIZ”, a virtual assistant, which speaks to you and carries out instruction based on your command. No matter how complicated your infra is, WIZ has got the intelligence to do it effectively and efficiently.

Watch the Demo here

Watch the video

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