
simple assertions in python

Primary LanguagePython



A simple assertion using python. It tests and returns either true or false for the condition in consideration.


  1. asserts(value: Any) -> bool

Check if the value passed is True. it is diffrent to the core assert. It returns True or False. No exception is returned.

>>> asserts(True)

Below test is expected to Fail.

>>> asserts([])
  1. assert_eq(value1: Any, value2: Any) -> bool

Gets two positional parameters. Check if the parameters are the same type. Then check if the parameters are the same.

>>> assert_eq("Lagos", "new yoke")

>>> assert_eq([0, 1, 2], list(range(3)))
  1. asserts_prnt(value: Any) -> None

Prints returned value of the function asserts. Returns None.

  1. assert_eq_prnt(value1: Any, value2: Any, *, show=False) -> None

Prints returned values of the function assert_eq. Returns None

  1. _print_result(status: bool, *, values: list[Any] = [None], show=False) -> None

It prints out either True or False. It can also show the reason, if the result is false. _print_result is a private function in this package. It takes; a bool, a list and a bool variable. It returns None.

  1. printer(show: bool=False)

A decorator to prints assert_eq. This enables assert_eq to prints, without using the print function. It doesn't only prints the result but shows the result expected and what is gotten, if the result is false.