Primary LanguageJava


Table of Contents


This is a sorting visualizer program coded in Java for these three algorithms: Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, and Quick Sort, which could allow users to input a list of numbers and select which algorithm they want to use to sort the list.

The program could then display the unsorted list and step through the sorting process one iteration at a time, highlighting the elements being compared and swapped or moved in each step. This would help users understand how each algorithm works and how efficient it is for different types of input data.

With this program, users can visualize the sorting process in action, gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanics of each algorithm. By seeing how the algorithms perform on different types


Member Github
Duong Minh Quan @2uanDM
Pham Ngoc Quan @ngocquanofficial
Nguyen Van Quoc @quocnv20214926
Bui Minh Quang @bmquang-20214925

Repository Structure

Click to show details
│   .gitignore
│   README.md
│       launch.json
│       settings.json
│   ├───main
│   │   ├───java
│   │   │   │   Main.class
│   │   │   │
│   │   │   ├───controller
│   │   │   │       BubbleSortController.class
│   │   │   │       HomeController.class
│   │   │   │       InsertionSortController.class
│   │   │   │       QuickSortController.class
│   │   │   │       SortController.class
│   │   │   │
│   │   │   └───view
│   │   │           BubbleSortView.fxml
│   │   │           HomeView.fxml
│   │   │           InsertionSortView.fxml
│   │   │           QuickSortView.fxml
│   │   │
│   │   └───resources
│   │       ├───assets
│   │       │   ├───HomeView
│   │       │   │       about_button.png
│   │       │   │       about_hover.png
│   │       │   │       bubbleshort_hover_front.png
│   │       │   │       bubble_sort_bar.png
│   │       │   │       help_button.png
│   │       │   │       help_hover.png
│   │       │   │       insertionsort_hover_front.png
│   │       │   │       insertion_sort_bar.png
│   │       │   │       logo_VIALGO.png
│   │       │   │       quicksort_hover_front.png
│   │       │   │       quick_sort_bar.png
│   │       │   │       test.gif
│   │       │   │
│   │       │   └───SortView
│   │       │           menuActionArrow.png
│   │       │           menuActionColor.png
│   │       │
│   │       ├───sound
│   │       │       chime.wav
│   │       │
│   │       └───style
│   │               home.css
│   │               sort.css
│   │
│   └───test
│       GeneralClassDiagram.asta
│       GeneralClassDiagram.png
│       UseCaseDiagram.asta
│       UseCaseDiagram.png
    │   ├───java
    │   │   │   Main.java
    │   │   │
    │   │   ├───controller
    │   │   │       BubbleSortController.java
    │   │   │       HomeController.java
    │   │   │       InsertionSortController.java
    │   │   │       QuickSortController.java
    │   │   │       SortController.java
    │   │   │
    │   │   ├───model
    │   │   │   ├───exception
    │   │   │   │       DataTypeException.java
    │   │   │   │       MinMaxValueException.java
    │   │   │   │       NullException.java
    │   │   │   │       NumberOfValueException.java
    │   │   │   │
    │   │   │   ├───object
    │   │   │   │       ColumnBar.java
    │   │   │   │       TextValue.java
    │   │   │   │
    │   │   │   ├───sorting_algo
    │   │   │   │       BubbleSort.java
    │   │   │   │       InsertionSort.java
    │   │   │   │       QuickSort.java
    │   │   │   │       SortingAlgorithm.java
    │   │   │   │
    │   │   │   └───vialgo_utils
    │   │   │           AnimationUtils.java
    │   │   │           ArrayUtils.java
    │   │   │           InputParserUtils.java
    │   │   │           SetVisibleUtils.java
    │   │   │
    │   │   └───view
    │   │           BubbleSortView.fxml
    │   │           HomeView.fxml
    │   │           InsertionSortView.fxml
    │   │           QuickSortView.fxml
    │   │
    │   └───resources
    │       ├───assets
    │       │   ├───HomeView
    │       │   │       about_button.png
    │       │   │       about_hover.png
    │       │   │       bbsort_info.png
    │       │   │       bubbleshort_hover_front.png
    │       │   │       bubble_sort_bar.png
    │       │   │       help_button.png
    │       │   │       help_hover.png
    │       │   │       insertionsort_hover_front.png
    │       │   │       insertion_info.png
    │       │   │       insertion_sort_bar.png
    │       │   │       logo_VIALGO.png
    │       │   │       quicksort_hover_front.png
    │       │   │       quick_sort_bar.png
    │       │   │       quick_sort_info.png
    │       │   │       test.gif
    │       │   │
    │       │   └───SortView
    │       │           aEquals.png
    │       │           backButton.png
    │       │           backButton_hover.png
    │       │           Bubble Sort.png
    │       │           icon.ico
    │       │           icon.png
    │       │           Insertion Sort.png
    │       │           menuActionArrow.png
    │       │           menuActionArrow_left.png
    │       │           menuActionColor.png
    │       │           pseudoCodeColor.png
    │       │           Quick Sort.png
    │       │           restart.png
    │       │           small logo.png
    │       │           sortExplainColor.png
    │       │
    │       ├───sound
    │       │       chime.wav
    │       │
    │       └───style
    │               home.css
    │               sort.css

Demo Video

Click here


1. Duong Minh Quan

Work Contribute
sourcecode/main/java/controller/HomeController 100%
sourcecode/main/java/controller/SortController 70%
sourcecode/main/java/controller/BubbleSortController 50%
sourcecode/main/java/controller/InsertionSortController.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/controller/QuickSortController.java 15%
sourcecode/main/java/view/HomeView.fxml 100%
sourcecode/main/java/view/BubbleSortView.fxml 50%
sourcecode/main/java/view/InsertionSortView.fxml 50%
sourcecode/main/java/view/QuickSortView.fxml 50%
sourcecode/main/java/Main.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/object/ColumnBar.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/object/TextValue.java 70%
sourcecode/main/java/model/vialgo_utils/AnimationUtils.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/vialgo_utils/SetVisibleUtils.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/sorting_algo/InsertionSort.java 15%
sourcecode/main/resources/ 100%
design/main/java/model/ 100%
report 50%

2. Pham Ngoc Quan

Work Contribute
sourcecode/main/java/controller/SortController 30%
sourcecode/main/java/controller/BubbleSortController 50%
sourcecode/main/java/controller/QuickSortController.java 70%
sourcecode/main/java/model/object/TextValue.java 15%
sourcecode/main/java/model/vialgo_utils/ArrayUtils.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/sorting_algo/BubbleSort.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/sorting_algo/SortingAlgorithm.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/sorting_algo/InsertionSort.java 85%
sourcecode/main/java/model/vialgo_utils/InputParserUtils.java 65%
sourcecode/main/java/model/sorting_algo/QuickSort.java 25%
report 50%

3. Nguyen Van Quoc

Work Contribute
sourcecode/main/java/controller/QuickSortController.java 15%
sourcecode/main/java/model/object/TextValue.java 15%
sourcecode/main/java/model/exception/DataTypeException.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/exception/MinMaxValueException.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/exception/NullException.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/exception/NumberOfValueException.java 100%
sourcecode/main/java/model/vialgo_utils/InputParserUtils.java 35%
sourcecode/main/java/model/sorting_algo/QuickSort.java 25%
design/main/java/controller 100%
slide 40%

4. Bui Minh Quang

Work Contribute
sourcecode/main/java/view/BubbleSortView.fxml 50%
sourcecode/main/java/view/InsertionSortView.fxml 50%
sourcecode/main/java/view/QuickSortView.fxml 50%
sourcecode/main/java/model/sorting_algo/QuickSort.java 50%
design/GeneralClassDiagram.png 100%
slide 60%