
simple discord music bot.

Primary LanguageRust


simple discord music bot for my hobby.

Still WIP

Sympho is still under development, and unstable.
I think the current implementation can handle most use cases, but I'm aiming for a great Discord Music Bot made with Rust!
I guess features change frequently, but i promise that the commands and build methods will remain almost unchanged.(maybe :3)
See the TODO section for information on features to be implemented, etc.


  • written by Rust ✨

  • because ↑, low binary size, blazing fast, and very small memory footprint 🚀

  • play videos(you know, audio only) from many sites(depends on youtube-dl extractors) 🎥

  • support to play from playlist, it also can be shuffled 🎶

  • no using songbird's builtin-queue, sympho have unique queue system 💪

  • Restrictions on command use based on role name(on default, sympho will check user have role that name called DJUser). you can remove it from the code if dont need it (recommanded to remove this if u want to share to use Bot) 👷

  • enough commands(default prefix is !, u can change define env SYMPHO_PREFIX) 📌

    command list (click to expand/collapse)
    • help Option<command name> :
      Show the command list, or if set command name on arg, show the command description.

    • join :
      Join the VC channel with the user who called join command.(and if bot not playing the music on other channel)

    • leave :
      Leave from the current channel.

    • play <url>, <some keywords>, play with file upload :
      Start to play music. supported some site, support playlist, and file upload.
      if passed playlist url and passed it with "shuffle" or "random" as last argments, playlist queue will be shuffled.

    • stop :
      Stop to the music currently playing(if there) and queue will be empty.

    • volume :
      Set the music volume. range is 0.0 ~ 100.0.

    • pause :
      Pause the music currently playing.

    • resume :
      Resume the music currently playing.

    • skip :
      Skip the music currently playing or specified number of songs from the queue.

    • loop <on/off> :
      Enable/Disable loop the current playing song.

    • current :
      Shows the info of the music currently playing.

    • queue :
      Shows a list of songs in the queue. index is 0 first.


  • add more command(?) (plan: seek, shuffle for queue, etc.)
  • To avoid complexity, remove arguments from the command and split it into multiple commands(plan: The split of the play command)
  • Add message when a command fails
  • Allow role limits to be controlled by environment variables
  • Faster video metadata acquisition(maybe done? idk) *1
  • more refactoring
  • basic refactoring
  • remove all unwrap()
  • make unique queue system, not builtin-queue


Currently, Sympho uses youtube-dl or ffprobe for files to get metadata such as video titles.
This process can be very slow to spawn a child process, execute commands within that child process, and parse the results.
That's fine for ffprobe, but not for youtube-dl.
Currently, I am experimenting with using pyo3 in the development environment and executing it directly from the youtube-dl module of Python.
This will improve the retrieval of metadata.
In the future, we'll need something like youtube-dl written in Rust :3

Advantages over other bots

  • All written in Rust, so small single binary, blazing fast, and very small memory footprint
  • Completely open source, and Easy to build (just set DISCORD_TOKEN env then run cargo run --release)
  • Anyone can host Sympho on your server
  • Sympho can play the uploaded audio file
  • Depends on youtube-dl, but not limited to Youtube or Soundcloud URLs(For example, sympho also accept bilibili videos)
  • There are no premium restrictions, don't waste your money
  • The code isn't too dirty, so anyone can customize it like a addtional command, addtional features

Dis-Advantages over other bots

  • Missing some commands(?)
  • Self-hosting costs
  • Difficult to customize for people who can't Rust
  • There is no such thing as an effect function for song
  • There is no command to operation related to the queue(but i have plan)
  • Unstable(e.g. there is a problem with the sound being played, or the sound at the start of playback is a little strange.)
  • And... I'm the only one who claims the code isn't dirty QwQ


  • rust
  • ffmpeg
  • libopus
  • youtube-dl(need binary like a apt install youtube-dl, and pip install youtube-dl)
  • Python (for pyo3)

see more information Songbird's README#dependencies

tested on Windows10 x64 and Ubuntu 20.04 with rust nightly 1.53 ~ 1.54

Build and run

clone, set token to DISCORD_TOKEN env var, then cargo build, then run it.