
Mumemo is screenshot-driven note application.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Mumemo is screenshot-driven note application. Mumemo is also No-UI(User Interaction) note application.


  • Screenshot focus area automatically and add note about it
  • Support No-UI(User Interaction) mode

mumemo decide focus area according to followings:

  • Cursor point
  • Highlight ares like sections in the screenshot

Example of focus area workflow(DEBUG:true):

Input Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Output
input image step2 step3 step4 output image

Screenshot from https://git-scm.com/book/ja/v2



  1. Download a binary from the latest releases
  2. Install app

⚠️ This app is not signed. So, OS show warning about it.

Additional installation steps on macOS:

  1. Select mumemo.app
  2. Open context menu and Click "Open"


1. Setup

  1. Setup output directory

This app writes Markdown note(README.md) and screenshots into the output directory.

2. Start to note via Global Shortcut

📝 You need to allow mumemo.app to access "Accessibility" and "Screen recording" on macOS's Privacy options This app requires the permission for get active window information.

  1. Press CommandOrControl+Shift+X (It can be customized by mumemo.config.js)

  2. Capture focus area and show note window

  3. Note your memo into the window

  4. Save it

The app writes the input memo and captured image into output directory.


You can customize key config and others by ~/.config/numemo/numemo.config.js.

module.exports.shortcutKey = "CommandOrControl+Shift+M"
 * app is electron app
 * path is Node's path module
 * activeWindow is https://github.com/sindresorhus/active-win result
module.exports.create = ({ app, path, activeWindow }) => {
    return {
        autoFocus: true,
        autoSave: true,
        autoSaveTimeoutMs: 5 * 1000,
        // DEBUG,
        DEBUG: false

UserConfig inteface is following.

export type UserConfig = {
     * Enable debug mode
     * Default: false
    DEBUG: boolean;
     * Output file name
     * Default: README.md
    outputContentFileName: string;
     * format input by this function and append the result
     * Default: for markdown
    outputContentTemplate: (args: OutputContentTemplateArgs) => string;
     * Auto focus when open input window
     * Default: true
    autoFocus: boolean;
     * Save content automatically without no focus the input window after autoSaveTimeoutMs
     * Default: true
    autoSave: boolean;
     * config for autosave
     * Default: 30 * 1000
    autoSaveTimeoutMs: number;
     * bound ratio for screenshot
     * Increase actual focus area using this ratio.
     * Default: 1.2
    screenshotBoundRatio: number;
     * Search count for related content that is included into screenshot result
     * The higher the number, screenshot size is large.
     * Default: 5
    screenshotSearchRectangleMaxCount: number

For more details, see src/main/Config.ts


No-UI notes

mumemo works with No-UI(User Integration).

The combination of autoFocus: false and autoSave: true that allow to save without user interaction.

  1. Press shortcut
  2. Preview the result in popup window
    • You can add a note if you want
  3. Close the window and save it after 3 seconds


module.exports.shortcutKey = "CommandOrControl+Shift+X"
module.exports.create = ({ app, path }) => {
    return {
        autoFocus: false,
        autoSave: true,
        autoSaveTimeoutMs: 3 * 1000,

Change behavior by each app

You can change config by each app.

module.exports.create = ({ app, path, activeWindow }) => {
    // Note: macOS's activeWindow has owner.bundleId
    const isKindle = activeWindow?.owner?.bundleId?.includes("Kindle")
    return {
        autoFocus: true,
        autoSave: true,
        quoteFrom: isKindle ? "clipboard" : "selectedText"


I've liked to write note and capture the screenshot during reading a book.

This behavior take two steps.

  1. Capture the screenshot
  2. Go to another note application like OneNote and paste it
  3. Add a note about the screenshot(page)
  4. Back to viewer application

mumemo reduce the steps.

  1. Press key -> Capture the screenshot and save it
  2. [Options] Add a note if I want


mumemo output debug log using electron-log

on Linux: ~/.config/{app name}/logs/{process type}.log
on macOS: ~/Library/Logs/{app name}/{process type}.log
on Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\{app name}\logs\{process type}.log

Tail logging

$ tail -F ~/Library/Logs/mumemo/main.log


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D
