
A small tool for ganerating antlr4 makefile easily

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

GANT - Ganerate antlr4 makefile easily

GANT is a tiny makefile Generate script of ANTlr4 for JBer, only for personal use now. It uses makefile to help you manage your antlr project.


  • Java compile and runtime environment. You may use Oracle Java, see Oracle JavaSE Doc
  • Antlr4, see here
  • You should also make the aliases needed when you configurate antlr4(microsoft windows users can create the .bat file).
  • Make, windows user can use mingw32-make(Gnumake, included with dev-cpp) or Gnumake.
  • Moreover, gant can only deal with SINGLE antlr4 file, the start symbol of the gammar SHOULD be prog, and the expressions you want to parse should be input by a file named Expression.txt


  • See Release Page and download the lastest version(v2.3 now).

  • Extract

  • for .zip file: unzip gant-2.3.zip

  • for .tar.gz file: tar -xf gant-2.3.tar.gz

  • then change the directory into it: cd gant-2.3

  • Install



vim Expr.g4

grammar Expr;
prog:	(expr NEWLINE)*;
expr:	expr ('*'|'/') expr | expr ('+'|'-') expr | INT | '(' expr ')' ;
NEWLINE	:	[\t\r\n]+ ;
INT		:	[0-9]+ ;
  • Generate the makefile

gant Expr

  • Compile


  • Running

make run

  • Clean the temporary files

make clean

  • Clean all files generate (only your source files preserved)

make rm


  • Please refer gant -h or gant --help for more help