Info: As I had started using git-bash long before, this repository is never useful and would NEVER be updated any more. Also, I have migirated to babun now, it is based on Cygwin and is easily use and include some popular software like vim
, so refer to vim profile from now on 😄
JBer's gvim configuration profile
For Unix like/git-bash user, also see my vim configuration profile
Vim is installed by default most times at most popular linux destributions nowadays, but for PC users, you must install it yourself. You can get more detail or download gvim(gui vim, which has a windows-x86 version) from here
- Don't forget to add the path of gvim.exe to your windows system's PATH, then you can run it from
with commandgvim
directly or just typeWin+R
and inputgvim<Enter>
. - If you don't like cmd, you can use git-bash instead, read [Configurate with git-bash](## Congirutate with git) for more information.
If you don't take git installed on your pc, then you can open \_vimrc
in this repository on the web browser, then right click the Raw button at the right-top corner the file, choose Save As
to download it into your gvim install directory(which may be C:/Program Files (x86)/Vim
by default) directly, just overwrite the default one or backup it before overwrite.
What's more, use a plugin manager to manage your vim plugins would make your life easier. This configuration use a popular vim plugin manager vundle to manager all plugins. You could visit https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim to download vundle plugin for vim, unzip it and rename the folder to Vundle.vim
and copy it into <Your-gvim-install-directory>/vimfiles/plugin/
, the configuration file \_vimrc
would load it by command set rtp+=./vimfiles/plugin/Vundle.vim
If it goes well, we can now get everything done. However, before the final step, you should take a glance at the \_vimrc
, comment the plugins that you don't need. Then open gvim and type :PluginInstall
to finish the work.
Now, everything is well prepared for you, just enjoy this amazing editor:)
If you think cmd or power shell is so awful a shell, I would recommand you take a try at git-bash. vim is installed itself. Then git-bash can be recognized as something like bash in linux, so you can continue your configuration by my vim profile.
- If you do like this way, DO NOT add the path of gvim into the PATH, more specifically, you have no need to install gvim any more.