
operating system for your wealth

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Read more on the Notion.

How we BUIDL

Take a look at the Plata project board. We run only one team meeting: the product meeting. We host meetings in gather.town. More on product dev cycle soon.

Setting up local dev environment

  1. Join planetscale team
  2. setup planetscale locally (read how we do db migrations with planetscale below) setup steps:
  1. setup PlanetScale CLI (https://github.com/planetscale/cli)
  2. clone repo
  3. create .env.local
  4. login through CLI: pscale auth login
  5. switch to the right org: pscale org switch plata
  6. run pscale connect plata <branch:plata-dev> --port <3001>
  7. go to /.env.local file
  8. db syntax: mysql://root@<plata-dev's IP with port>/plata
  9. go to magic.link and use plata-dev application
  10. fill out NEXT_PUBLIC_MAGIC_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and MAGIC_SECRET_KEY listed in magic.link
  11. for local development, TOKEN_SECRET can be set to anything.

DB migrations

  1. make your updates to prisma.schema
  2. connect to your development branch on planetscale
  3. npm run prismaDeployDev
  4. deploy db branch when ready

Deploying your changes

For now open PR, but use judgment on whether or not you need a review from someone. We're aiming to not need to do PR reviews and instead go full CI/CD.